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32 publications were found on Fruit
  • Cane Blight of Blackberry (C 894) Cane blight can be a major disease of blackberry in the Southeast, resulting in severe losses. The wet, humid conditions observed in Georgia and other southeastern states allow for significant losses following pruning or other injuries to the primocane.
  • Citrus Fruit for Southern and Coastal Georgia (B 804) Citrus plants are very versatile around the home and may be used as individual specimens, hedges or container plants. Their natural beauty and ripe fruits make them attractive additions to the South Georgia home scene. Cold-hardy varieties that receive recommended care may grow successfully in the coastal and extreme southern areas of the state (and to a lesser degree in more northern locations).
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Growing Fruits (C 1027-10) Community gardens designed to provide locally grown food for families can be used to grow fruits in addition to the more commonly grown vegetables. There are many common and lesser-known fruits that are suited for planting in community garden situations.
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Less Expensive Sources of Plant Material, Amendments and Tools (C 1027-6) This publication offers advice on finding less expensive sources of plant material, amendments and tools for community and school gardens.
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Planning an Edible Garden (C 1027-1) This publication describes three steps for planning a school garden: garden location, soil and terrain, and choosing crops.
  • Diagnostic Guide to Common Home Orchard Diseases (B 1336) This publication is intended to be used as a pictorial diagnostic guide to identify the most common diseases seen on fruits grown in home landscapes, gardens, and/or orchards in Georgia. Use this guide as a supplemental resource and/or reference to the Homeowner Edition of the Georgia Pest Management Handbook.
  • Fall Gardening: A Collection of Information and Resources (AP 105) This publication is an annually-updated guide to fall gardening information and resources for Georgia. Topics include planting tall fescue lawns, soil bag flower beds, planting pansies like the pros, planting collards, turnips and cabbage, planting a home fruit orchard, mulching with leaves, gardening chores, cleaning and storing garden tools, treating for fire ants, and additional resources.
  • Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Home Fungicide Guide (SB 48-06) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers fungicides for use in and around your home. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing a product based on a first-year recommendation of the Handbook, check the current product label before purchase to be sure it is still labeled for the use for which you are buying it. For pesticide products you have o…
  • Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Home Orchard (SB 48-05) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers pest control in home orchards, including apples, peaches, bunch grapes, muscadines, strawberries, blueberries, and other fruits. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing a product based on a first-year recommendation of the Handbook, check the current product label before purchase to be sure it is sti…
  • Home Fruit Orchard Pruning Techniques (C 1087) This circular is a compilation of pruning techniques for apple, pear, peach, blackberry, blueberry, grapes, and pomegranate. Included are tools for pruning, definitions and descriptions of terms used in pruning, and diagrams illustrating best pruning practices. This work has important and relevant information about pruning and plant care for the home orchardist.
  • Home Garden Series: Georgia Homegrown Tomatoes (B 1271) This publication discusses the basics of growing tomatoes successfully, as well as avoiding common problems encountered by the home gardener.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Apples (C 740) Apples are adapted to most areas of Georgia. Although the northern half of the state is best suited for the more "conventional" apple varieties, you can have success in the southern half of Georgia with adapted varieties.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Blueberries (C 946) Under good management, the native Georgia rabbiteye blueberry bushes will produce some fruit the second or third year after transplanting. By the sixth year they will yield as much as 2 gallons each and continue to increase as the plants get larger.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Bunch Grapes (B 807) Bunch grapes are often called “pod” grapes in rural Georgia since they produce large clusters of fruit. Georgia's climate is not well-suited to home garden production of European bunch grapes, but American bunch grapes and hybrids between the two species (French hybrids) grow well in Georgia. If grapes are well cared for and sprayed when diseases and insects threaten, you can expect yields of 20 t…
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Figs (C 945) Most people are fond of figs. They are tasty and can be eaten fresh, preserved, or used for baking and making desserts. Figs will do well in most parts of Georgia except the mountainous areas.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Muscadines (C 949) Muscadines are truly a fruit for the south. Although muscadines can be grown successfully in most parts of the state, they are best adapted to the Piedmont and Coastal Plain areas.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Peaches (C 1063) Growing peaches and other fruit trees in Georgia and the southeastern United States is challenging. Peaches are not native to North America; however, many cultivars have been developed for our area, and Georgia has a long history of successful peach production. One must choose the site and the proper cultivar and provide care throughout the year to be successful. This publication includes inform…
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Pears (C 742) Pears are adapted to nearly all of Georgia. It is not uncommon to find trees as much as 50 years old that are still producing fruit.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Persimmons (C 784) Many of the numerous species of persimmon can be grown in Georgia. Our native persimmon, Diospyros virginiana, is found from Florida north to Connecticut, west to Iowa and south to Texas. This publication covers planting and growing requirements as well as fruiting, harvesting, and insect pest information.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Plums (B 1518) This bulletin offers information about plum production, pruning, thinning, fertilization, and variety selection in the home garden. Plums belong to the Prunus genus and consists of many species of different origins and diverse fruit types. Most commercially grown varieties are derived from either Japanese or Asian plums (P. salicina and its interspecific hybrids) or European plums (P. domestica). …
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Raspberries and Blackberries (C 766) Blackberries and raspberries are one of the most popular fruits to grow and they are among the easiest for the home gardener to successfully produce. Blackberries and raspberries come as erect types (no trellis required) and trailing types (trellis required), depending on the varieties selected. This publication discusses growing raspberries and blackberries in a home garden.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Strawberries (C 883) Strawberry beds need a small area that receives full sun most or all day to get started. Strawberries will grow well in many types of soil, but the most desirable soil is fertile, medium-light in texture, well drained and with good moisture-holding capacity.
  • Home Garden Series: Home Garden Watermelon (C 1035) This publication discusses growing watermelon in the home garden, including transplanting, starting seeds, soil preparation, culture and fertilization, harvesting, storage and use, and problems. It also includes a list of recommended varieties for Georgia.
  • Minor Fruits and Nuts in Georgia (B 992) Many types of fruits and nuts can be grown in Georgia due to our mild climate. This publication provides an outline of the culture and management of the exotic and uncommon fruits and nuts that can be grown in Georgia.
  • Natural Enemies of Pests in the Southeast Blueberry Systems of Georgia (B 1562) Blueberries are becoming the state fruit of Georgia with considerable acreage planted. Blueberries have many pest challenges and a current invasive pest challenge from spotted wing drosophilia (SWD). While efforts are underway to release new biocontrol agents for SWD, we still know little about the natural enemies in blueberry systems. Here we provide an overview of common natural enemies and cons…
  • Planting Your Bare-Root Fruit Tree (C 1061) Many fruit trees are purchased as bare-root trees. A bare-root tree is a dormant tree that has no soil or planting medium around the roots. Here are some tips on storing, planting, and caring for your bare-root fruit tree.
  • Pruning Muscadine Grapes (C 1268) Many gardeners don’t realize how vigorously muscadines and grapes must be pruned each season in order to ensure good production. Quality equipment and care also is essential to maintain healthy plants. This video covers the basics of how to properly prune muscadines and bunch grapes. Correct pruning methods are essential for strong fruit production and must be performed annually at the proper time…
  • Small Market Fruit and Vegetable Farming (C 1251) This publication covers some of the basic information about what you may need and key considerations when developing a small fruit and vegetable farm.
  • Southeastern Peach Growers' Handbook Series: Phony Peach Disease (C 1253) This fact sheet covers phony peach disease: History, symptoms, disease cycle, and management.
  • Southeastern Peach Growers' Handbook Series: Propagating Deciduous Fruit Plants Common to Georgia (B 818) Deciduous fruit plants common to Georgia must be propagated asexually because they do not come true to seed. This makes it necessary to reproduce the desired fruit plants by methods such as cuttings, runners, layering, budding or grafting. This publication discusses the common techniques used to asexually propagate fruit plants adapted to Georgia.
  • Spanish Series: Resolución de Problemas de Prácticas Culturales en Tomate (C 1089-SP) El tomate es una de las hortalizas más populares que se cultivan en el huerto familiar. Si bien las plantas de tomate pueden producir una gran cantidad de frutas saludables y deliciosas, su cultivo puede resultar frustrante. Además de las enfermedades e insectos más comunes que atacan a los tomates en el huerto, también pueden ocurrir varios padecimientos asociados con las labores culturales. Es i…
  • Troubleshooting Cultural Problems in Tomatoes (C 1089) This publication is intended for general use audiences, including homeowners, civic groups, and master gardeners. It covers the basic troubleshooting procedures for solving common problems while growing tomatoes. It includes a description of both cultural and physiological problems and solutions.