45 publications were found
on Trees
- Basic Principles of Pruning Woody Plants (B 949) Pruning is one of the most important cultural practices for maintaining woody plants, including ornamental trees and shrubs, fruits and nuts. Proper pruning requires a basic understanding of how plants respond to various pruning cuts. The principles and guidelines in this publication will help you master common pruning techniques.
- Chainsaw Chains and Bars (C 1208) The action end of a chainsaw, or the part that cuts, is made of the bar and the chain. Chainsaw chains come in many sizes and configurations and not all saws can handle all bars. To make the right choices for the job, a saw operator should be aware of the cutter type, pitch, gauge, and cutter configuration when purchasing a chain or a chainsaw.
- Chainsaw Safety and Tree Cleanup (C 1198) Many people help with tree cleanup after storms pass through. Some are citizen volunteers, and others are private and public sector workers who may or may not have experience with chainsaws. This presentation covers the information every chainsaw operator needs to know before turning on the saw. Topics include personal protective equipment, the five essential safety features of a chainsaw, safe ca…
- Chainsaw Safety Tips (B 1364) This publication discusses tips for purchasing the correct chainsaw for your needs and how to use it safely.
- Chainsaw Safety: Preventing Common Tree Felling Accidents (C 1243) Accidents are common when felling a tree with a chainsaw. Fortunately, most of them can be prevented. Tips for preventing kickback, barber chair, entanglement, setback, and stump jump are presented in this publication, along with techniques for safely releasing spring poles.
- Chainsaw Safety: The Five Step Tree Felling Plan (C 1220) Felling trees is dangerous. Accidents abound when chainsaws and falling timber combine. The five step tree felling plan is a safe and effective way to take down a tree with a chainsaw. Rigorous application of this method will help the saw operator identify and mitigate hazards while dropping the tree as planned.
- Citrus Fruit for Southern and Coastal Georgia (B 804) Citrus plants are very versatile around the home and may be used as individual specimens, hedges or container plants. Their natural beauty and ripe fruits make them attractive additions to the South Georgia home scene. Cold-hardy varieties that receive recommended care may grow successfully in the coastal and extreme southern areas of the state (and to a lesser degree in more northern locations).
- Crape Myrtle Bark Scale: An Emerging Invasive Pest in the Nursery and Landscape (C 1234) The crape myrtle bark scale (CMBS) is an emerging threat to crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.) in Georgia. As the name indicates, this scale pest attacks the bark of crape myrtle, the only known scale insect that infests crape myrtle bark. A native of Asia, CMBS was first confirmed in Dallas, Texas, in 2004. Since then, the pest has gradually expanded its range to the southeastern states. In Georgi…
- Crape Myrtle Culture (C 944) Crape myrtle is one of the most useful flowering shrubs/trees grown in Georgia. It provides abundant summer color with a minimum of maintenance.
- Diseases of Leyland Cypress in the Landscape (B 1229) Leyland cypress has become one of the most widely used plants in commercial and residential landscapes across Georgia as a formal hedge, screen, buffer strip or wind barrier. Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) is a graceful, rapidly growing evergreen tree that is adapted for growth within the 6-10a USDA hardiness zones. Leyland cypress is considered relatively pest-free; however, becaus…
- Flatheaded appletree borer: A pest of trees in nurseries and landscapes (C 1261) The flatheaded appletree borer is a polyphagous pest—so called because it feeds on multiple tree species—native throughout North America. Flatheaded appletree borers impact specialty crops such as fruit, nut, and ornamental trees. Nursery growers in Georgia face mild to moderate levels of infestation depending on the local beetle population size and favorable environmental conditions. Adult flathe…
- Gloomy Scale Insects: Pests of Trees in Urban Areas (C 1286) Gloomy scale (Melanaspis tenebricosa) is a serious insect pest that affects maple trees in urban Georgia. It can go undetected for years. Affected trees can show branch dieback and canopy thinning after 6–10 years, when the population reaches extremely high densities. A waxy shield covering protects females from predators and insecticide exposure, and usually gives them a convex shape. The armore…
- Great Plants Under 20 Feet for Small Spaces (C 999) Well-chosen small trees and shrubs can provide privacy from your neighbors, separation from a road with heavy traffic or a screen to hide unattractive areas. By selecting plants that mature to a height of 20 feet or less, you can create a natural fence.
- Growing Bamboo in Georgia (B 1357) This booklet is written in an attempt to filter through much of the available information and make a simple, user-friendly information guide on growing bamboo in Georgia, which has a wide variety of soils and temperate zones.
- Growing Dogwoods (C 900) One of the most widely planted ornamental trees in Georgia is the flowering dogwood. Dogwoods are not difficult to grow if they are located in the proper site and if healthy trees are purchased and planted properly.
- Growing Southern Magnolia (C 974) Southern magnolia is an aristocratic tree. It grows well throughout Georgia, is widely adaptable to a variety of soils and has few pest problems. With glossy evergreen foliage and large white fragrant blossoms, it truly is one of the most handsome and durable native trees for our Southern landscapes.
- Hedge Pruning Pecan Trees in the Southeastern U.S. (B 1557) As pecan trees grow in an orchard, their tree canopies encroach upon one another, causing excessive shading, which can increase alternate bearing intensity and reduce tree health and orchard profitability. Historically, limb pruning and tree removal have been the most common methods of dealing with this problem, particularly in the low-light environment of the southeastern United States. Mechanica…
- Hiring a Tree Care Service (C 1098) Healthy trees add to property value and have many ecological benefits. Hiring a tree care service is an important decision. The work is often dangerous for the workers and if not properly done, can damage property and damage or kill the tree. These guidelines will help tree owners select a tree care service.
- Home Garden Series: Home Garden Apples (C 740) Apples are adapted to most areas of Georgia. Although the northern half of the state is best suited for the more "conventional" apple varieties, you can have success in the southern half of Georgia with adapted varieties.
- Home Garden Series: Home Garden Peaches (C 1063) Growing peaches and other fruit trees in Georgia and the southeastern United States is challenging. Peaches are not native to North America; however, many cultivars have been developed for our area, and Georgia has a long history of successful peach production. One must choose the site and the proper cultivar and provide care throughout the year to be successful. This publication includes inform…
- Home Garden Series: Home Garden Pears (C 742) Pears are adapted to nearly all of Georgia. It is not uncommon to find trees as much as 50 years old that are still producing fruit.
- Is My Tree Dying? (C 1100) This publication outlines a tree inspection process that will help the homeowner identity potential problems and more effectively discuss the tree's condition with an Extension agent or certified arborist. The inspection begins at the base of the tree and moves to the canopy, highlighting potential tree health problems.
- Junipers (C 956) Junipers are among one of the toughest plants for the landscape. Their hardy nature and drought tolerance make them ideal choices for many of our southern landscapes. It is impossible to generalize about the growth habit of junipers as the species vary from low-growing ground cover types to larger conical-pyramidal forms. Foliage color varies from lustrous dark green, to light green, blue, silver-…
- Key to Diseases of Oaks in the Landscape (B 1286) This publication contains a guide to diseases of oak trees in the landscape.
- Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the principles and requirements of good landscape design and plant maintenance. Hardiness and disease and insect resistant qualities are also considered.
- Minor Fruits and Nuts in Georgia (B 992) Many types of fruits and nuts can be grown in Georgia due to our mild climate. This publication provides an outline of the culture and management of the exotic and uncommon fruits and nuts that can be grown in Georgia.
- Native Plants for Georgia Part I: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines (B 987) This publication focuses on native trees, shrubs and woody vines for Georgia. It is not our intent to describe all native species — just those available in the nursery trade and those that the authors feel have potential for nursery production and landscape use. Rare or endangered species are not described. Information on each plant is provided according to the following categories: Common Name(s)…
- Oak Lecanium: An Insect Pest of Trees in Landscapes (C 1285) Oak lecanium, Parthenolecanium quercifex (Hemiptera: Coccidae), is a common soft scale insect pest of oak trees and other woody plants. They infest trees under high stress, such as those planted in parking lots, greenscapes, and other urban areas. Like other soft scale insects, oak lecanium scales feed on tree sap, and they excrete the excess sugars as honeydew. Sooty mold fungus grows on honeydew…
- Pecan Trees for the Home or Backyard Orchard (B 1348) Pecan trees are commonly found surrounding both urban and rural dwellings throughout Georgia. They can enhance the environment and provide additional income from the sale of nuts. This publication contains comprehensive information about pecan trees for the home or backyard orchard.
- Planting Your Bare-Root Fruit Tree (C 1061) Many fruit trees are purchased as bare-root trees. A bare-root tree is a dormant tree that has no soil or planting medium around the roots. Here are some tips on storing, planting, and caring for your bare-root fruit tree.
- Pruning Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 961) This publication provides guidelines for proper pruning that may help assure healthy vigorous plants and lasting landscape beauty. First, we'll discuss the three basic Ts for successful pruning: tools, technique and timing. Then we'll examine the pruning requirements of specific ornamental plants in the home landscape.
- Repotting Basics (C 1240) This publication describes the reasoning behind repotting, as well as container selection, drainage, positioning the plant on an appropriate soil base, examining and attending to root issues, potential root removal and/or redistribution, backfilling, protecting, and watering the plant upon completion of repotting. As container plants mature, their biomass increases and the roots grow outward and…
- Selecting Salt-Tolerant Native Trees for the Georgia Coast (B 1477) This publication explains the different sources of salt in the soil, the effects of high salt and salinity in plants, measurements of salinity in soils and water, and a list of salt-tolerant native trees alongside their ability to withstand high salinity. The information in this bulletin was requested by the green industry, county faculty, and the public.
- Selecting Trees and Shrubs as Resources for Pollinators (B 1483) We can positively affect pollinator populations in our region by providing plants that help sustain them. Pollinators face the increasing challenges of habitat loss, parasite and disease pressure, and the unintended consequences of pesticide misuse. Bee forage plants can bloom season-long with careful plant selection appropriate to the region. A combination of herbaceous perennial and annual plant…
- Shade and Street Tree Care (B 1031) With proper care, trees can be valuable commodities around our homes, communities and urban landscapes. Providing care requires understanding tree biology, or how and why trees function. Trees constantly interact with the environment, including changes in soil, light, temperature, moisture, competitors and pests. Humans can produce additional stress by altering environments, but with proper care a…
- Shade Trees for Georgia (C 1013) Shade trees are a staple of Southern landscapes and include a variety of species, forms and seasonal appeal. In the Southeastern U.S., shade trees are used most often to provide relief from the summer sun and heat. Additionally, shade trees can be utilized to channel summer breezes to desired locations, add monetary value to a property, define outdoor spaces, and improve landscape sustainability b…
- Soil Preparation and Planting Procedures for Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 932) Proper planting is essential for healthy, vigorous growth of ornamental plants in the landscape. It assures rapid plant establishment by providing a favorable environment for the developing root system. This publication offers step-by-step guidelines that will help you achieve planting success.
- Spanish Series: Limpieza de Arboles Dañados por Tormentas (C 1199-SP) Los árboles son los que mas se dañan en las tormentas y son estos los mas peligrosos de limpiar. Los arboles dañados por tormentas están sujetos a una gran cantidad de peligros asociados con la tala de arboles y mucho, mucho mas. Las condiciones de trabajo pueden ser muy difíciles. Los arboles caídos se pueden enredar con otros arboles, o caerse en edificios, vehículos o alambres. La energía apres…
- Spanish Series: Seguridad Usando Motosierras y Limpieza de Arboles (C 1198-SP) Muchas personas ayudan con la limpieza de los árboles después de las tormentas. Algunos son ciudadanos voluntarios; otros son trabajadores del sector público y privado que pueden o no tener experiencia con motosierras. Este PowerPoint cubre la información que todo operador de motosierra necesita saber antes de encender la motosierra. Los temas incluyen equipo de protección personal, las cinco cara…
- Spanish Series: Uso Seguro de la Motosierra: El Plan de Cinco Pasos para el Corte de un Árbol (C 1220-SP) Use estos cinco pasos para el corte de un árbol de forma segura de principio a fin. Este plan funciona para arboristas profesionales y los que no lo son. Cortar árboles con una motosierra es peligroso. La combinación de herramientas eléctricas y la caída de madera crea peligros. La aplicación del Plan de Corte de Cinco Pasos ayuda a identificar y mitigar el peligro en el corte de árboles de princi…
- Storm Damaged Tree Cleanup (C 1199) Trees are often damaged in storms and can be extremely dangerous to clean up. Storm damaged trees are subject to all the perils associated with tree felling and much more. Working conditions may be difficult. Downed trees may be entangled in other trees, or tossed on buildings, vehicles, or wires. Energy stored in compressed limbs and trunks can be release suddenly, explosively, and fatally. Each …
- The Spotted Lanternfly: A Potential Nuisance Pest on Trees in Ornamental Landscapes (C 1336) The spotted lanternfly is an invasive planthopper that can feed on a wide range of trees in the United States. The potential economic and environmental impact of spotted lanternflies is alarming, and threatens not only the livelihoods of many but also the biodiversity and beauty of our landscapes.
- Tree Ownership and Responsibility (C 1099) This publication discusses the ownership, responsibility, and liability of trees. It presents common situations in which a neighbor's trees encroach on another's property and suggests ways to resolve related conflicts.
- Tree Planting Details (C 989) This publication contains information about planting trees and shrubs, and includes AutoCAD files, .jpg images and .pdf files with instructions and images.
- Wax Scale Insect: What is the White Glob on My Twigs? (C 1291) Scale insects are very common pests of landscape trees and shrubs, yet they often are overlooked when scouting. They can, however, be responsible for chlorosis (loss of green coloration of plants due to lack of chlorophyll), branch dieback, or death of the plant. Wax scales are part of the soft scale group as they produce soft, cottony, powdery, or waxy covers that cannot be separated from the sca…