What is the Extension Internship?
UGA Extension offers paid internships for college students to work for one semester in a county Extension office allowing them to see the impact of the university on a local and/or regional level. Students will be matched with an agent in the county or region they prefer, if possible. Internships are available for any semester, though priority is given to summer internship opportunities.
Interns will have the opportunity to:
- Draw understandings and apply skills between classroom knowledge and real-world scenarios while developing a solution-oriented mindset
- Experience daily life of a county agent accompanied by the ever-changing questions that arise from local stakeholders
- Learn to identify community needs through structured assessments
- Contribute to youth leadership development through Georgia 4-H, one of the largest youth non-profit leadership organizations nationwide
- Conduct a personalized research project related to the immediate community
- Earn college credits at the discretion and guidance of the student's respective academic department

Applicant Information
Minimum requirements:
- Enrolled (or the semester immediately following graduation) as an undergraduate or graduate student in a degree program that would qualify the participant for employment as an Extension agent
- Interested in pursuing a career in Extension
Summer Application Deadline: January 17, 2025
Please get in touch with the Office of the Associate Dean for Extension with any questions at caesext@uga.edu or 706-542-3824.

Apply your classroom knowledge to the job and improve your communication.

Meet people in the local community and within the organization’s statewide network while learning from our best agents.
Contact Us:
Office of the Associate Dean for Extension
111 Conner Hall
Athens, GA 30602
caesext@uga.edu | 706-542-3824
"Whether I was working in the field with a grower or with 4-H’ers at camp, my internship allowed me to grow by learning something different every day. I fell in love with the work that Extension does to serve people of all ages in Georgia."
- Megan Powell, UGA intern