UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension translates the science of everyday living for families, farmers and communities to foster a healthy and prosperous Georgia. Below are a few highlights of ways we have helped make an impact around the state. 

331 agents across 159 counties, assisted by 10,009 trained volunteers
1,808,305 face-to-face contacts with Georgians made in fiscal year 2023
26,917 programs teach, lead, and help Georgians live better lives
1337 publications based on leading research
  • 2,361,297 visits to publication webpages
  • 195,575 publication downloads
  • 487,584 visits to CAES Newswire


Agriculture and Natural Resources

141 agents
424,050 face-to-face contacts
40,961 on-site consultations
123,525 diagnostic tests by agricultural & environmental services labs
4,840 programs
1,962 Master Gardener Extension Volunteers


Family and Consumer Sciences

61 agents
170,771 face-to-face contacts
3,298 programs
648 ServSafe® certificates issued
22,912 nutrition education program participants
1,792 volunteers


4-H Youth Development

129 agents
1,183,125 face-to-face contacts
173,505 4-H’ers
19,245 programs
92,733 visitors to 4-H centers
6,255 teen and adult volunteers

Success Stories from UGA Extension

Learn about different success stories our Extension have had in the Georgia community. Whether it is helping youth in 4-H, agricultural producers with farming advice, or families with health and nutrition, our Extension agents are building relationships and making an impact.

Success Stories from UGA Extension Playlist

Impact Stories

Read our impact stories by faculty and staff to learn about the economic, environmental and quality-of-life impact of Extension activities. 

Read Impact Stories

Extension Fast Facts

An overview of programming in the fiscal year 2023.

Extension Fast Facts

Helping Georgia survive and thrive during COVID-19

An overview of our impact during the pandemic from March to December 2020.

COVID-19 Impact Overview

Georgia Agricultural Statistics

Access annual state- and county-level information about the value of all food and fiber commodities grown in Georgia.

Ag Snapshots