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17 publications were found on Annuals
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2013's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-1) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2013.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2014's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-2) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2014.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2015's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-3) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2015.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2019's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-7) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, showcasing the plants that were awarded Classic City Awards in 2019.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2020's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-8) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, showcasing the plants that were awarded Classic City Awards in 2020.
  • Flowering Annuals for Georgia Gardens (B 954) Annuals are the mainstay color plant of many home gardens. They are also used in increasingly large numbers in commercial and municipal landscapes because they provide landscape color in a very short time with minimal investment. Properly cared for, many annuals will brighten the landscape continuously from spring until frost kills them in the fall.
  • Flowering Bulbs for Georgia Gardens (B 918) A wide variety of bulbs grow well in Georgia. Most are grown for their flowers and some for their foliage. They are grown as pot plants, in shrub borders, naturalistic plantings and in mass displays. Bulbs offer a certain magic to the landscape virtually unrivaled by other plants.
  • Home Garden Series: Georgia Homegrown Tomatoes (B 1271) This publication discusses the basics of growing tomatoes successfully, as well as avoiding common problems encountered by the home gardener.
  • Landscape Basics: Crop Rotation and Cultural Practices Help Reduce Diseases in Seasonal Color Beds (B 1423) Landscape professionals must consider many factors when choosing the right flowering annuals to plant for a particular location. Primary considerations include high visual impact, consistent bloom for color, foliage for texture and color, sun exposure, growth habit and low-water tolerance. Cost plays an important role as well. Many landscapers typically choose common annual ornamentals and tropica…
  • Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the principles and requirements of good landscape design and plant maintenance. Hardiness and disease and insect resistant qualities are also considered.
  • Native Plants for Georgia Part III: Wildflowers (B 987-3) This publication is a comprehensive guide to growing and identifying native wildflowers suitable for planting in Georgia. The term “wildflower” in this publication is a general term used to define both annual and perennial native herbaceous plants with showy flowers that have evolved with an ecosystem and grow naturally without either direct or indirect human intervention. NOTE: This publication…
  • Ornamental Plantings on Septic Drainfields (C 1030) Ornamental plantings can be attractive and beneficial options for the expanse of open ground designated for a septic drainfield. Properly chosen plants help manage moisture and nutrient levels in the soils around the drainfield, and can discourage activities that may cause site compaction and reduce the effectiveness of the system. The drawback is that poor plant choices can create costly maintena…
  • Plant Propagation for the Home Garden Series: Starting Plants From Seed for the Home Gardener (B 1432) A number of plants, particularly vegetables, annuals, and herbs, can be grown from seed. There are many advantages to propagating plants from seed. This publication provides information on seed selection, materials, seeding techniques, thinning, and transplanting. A step-by-step, quick reference guide is also included.
  • Spanish Series: Resolución de Problemas de Prácticas Culturales en Tomate (C 1089-SP) El tomate es una de las hortalizas más populares que se cultivan en el huerto familiar. Si bien las plantas de tomate pueden producir una gran cantidad de frutas saludables y deliciosas, su cultivo puede resultar frustrante. Además de las enfermedades e insectos más comunes que atacan a los tomates en el huerto, también pueden ocurrir varios padecimientos asociados con las labores culturales. Es i…
  • Success with Mixed Containers Using Perennial and Woody Plants (B 1418) This publication offers information on types of plants suitable for mixed containers, with an emphasis on perennial and woody species and cultivars, as well as aesthetic qualities, cultural conditions and placement within the container.
  • Troubleshooting Cultural Problems in Tomatoes (C 1089) This publication is intended for general use audiences, including homeowners, civic groups, and master gardeners. It covers the basic troubleshooting procedures for solving common problems while growing tomatoes. It includes a description of both cultural and physiological problems and solutions.
  • Visual Guide to Common Wildflowers of South Georgia (C 1288) Wildflowers not only beautify the landscape but also provide food and shelter for myriad insects, birds, and mammals. Georgia is rich in endemic (belonging in a particular area or environment) species which grow in a wide variety of habitats, from coastal dunes and pine sandhills to savannas, meadows, and forests. Although many species are primarily seen in undisturbed natural habitats, others hav…