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23 publications were found on Water-Use
  • Choosing a Landscape Irrigation Contractor (C 1056) Selecting a qualified irrigation contractor is very important. There are many irrigation products available and the installation process requires skill, knowledge and equipment. This publication outlines general considerations for purchasers of a landscape irrigation system. It also underscores the importance of considering the cost of water when selecting a contractor and protecting desirable tre…
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Irrigation (C 1027-12) This publication describes irrigation methods suitable for community or school gardens, including overhead sprinklers, hand watering and drip irrigation.
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Sources of Water for the Garden (C 1027-11) This publication discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of water for a community or school garden, including municipal water, rivers or creeks, ponds, wells and rainwater.
  • Conserving Water in the Vegetable Garden (C 964) All vegetables, especially tomatoes, like an even supply of water throughout the growing season, and will often develop problems if their water supply fluctuates. If watering restrictions or bans are imposed, water conservation becomes a critical issue.
  • Developing a WaterSmart Landscape (C 930) A water smart landscape is more than just water-efficient. It's a landscape that has been carefully designed, properly installed and managed to reduce pollution, improve conservation and ensure year-round beauty.
  • Drip Irrigation in the Home Vegetable Garden (C 1095) This publication is designed to give small market growers, homeowners, and Master Gardener audiences a quick guide to selecting and installing drip irrigation in the vegetable garden.
  • Household Water Quality Series: Arsenic in Your Water (C 858-12) Arsenic in your drinking water poses a threat to your health. Since private systems are more susceptible to arsenic than public water systems, private well owners should take steps to guard their health. Measures include routine water supply testing and wellhead maintenance and protection.
  • Household Water Quality Series: Uranium in Your Water (C 858-14) Uranium in your drinking water may be harmful to your health. If your water comes from a public system, it is routinely tested to ensure safe levels of uranium. If your source of household water is a private well, cistern or spring, you are solely responsible for the quality of your own drinking water. Private well owners are encouraged to monitor uranium through water testing.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Managing a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-4) Water-wise landscapes not only save water, they save time by requiring less routine care than most traditional landscapes. This publication offers guidelines to help you achieve these goals and conserve water when managing your landscape.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Proper Planting Results in Healthy, Water-Efficient Plants (C 895-3) Planting ornamental plants correctly increases their survivability and performance in the landscape, and it helps them develop a vigorous, healthy root system that increases their drought tolerance during periods of limited rainfall. This pubication provides research-based guidelines for proper planting.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Xeriscape - Seven Steps to a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-1) A landscape designed, installed and managed according to Xeriscaping's seven steps uses up to 50% less water than a traditional landscape. And, a well-designed water-wise is just as attractive as a traditional landscape.
  • Protecting Georgia's Surface Water Resources (B 1217) Since only a small amount of water is available for human use, this publication was written to provide a broad-based discussion of how to protect our surface water resources.
  • Rain Gardens in Home Landscapes (EB 101) This publication includes three parts. Part 1 discusses stormwater as a pollution source for streams and water bodies, and provides a background on why rain gardens in our landscapes have great environmental value. Part 2 includes a thorough definition of rain gardens and their purpose, and gives step-by-step instructions on how to design a rain garden for a specific site. Part 3 discusses appropr…
  • Rainwater Harvesting for System Designers and Contractors (B 1372) With recent droughts and increased emphasis on water conservation, rainwater harvesting (RWH) has become an important alternative source for outdoor irrigation. RWH is the collection of runoff from roofs during a rainfall event. The water is conveyed through a gutter system, filtered and stored in a tank for later use. In Georgia, non-potable harvested rainwater can be an alternative water supply …
  • The Georgia Water Stewardship Act (C 995) The Water Stewardship Act is intended to demonstrate Georgia’s deep commitment to the conservation of critical freshwater supplies. This publication provides an overview of the provisions and obligations for local governments, public systems and state agencies.
  • The Georgia Water Stewardship Act: Farm Use Water Withdrawal Permits (C 994) The Water Stewardship Act is intended to demonstrate Georgia’s deep commitment to the conservation of critical freshwater supplies. This publication provides an overview of the major provisions affecting Georgia farmers and their use of the state’s most precious resource: WATER.
  • Tips for Saving Water in the Landscape (C 1010) Research has shown that a landscape that has been carefully planned and installed and properly managed will be healthier, less prone to insects and diseases, and will require less irrigation. Georgia's landscape and turf industry and UGA Cooperative Extension are urging citizens to implement inexpensive and easy-to-perform landscape management practices that decrease the need for irrigation and/or…
  • Understanding Laboratory Wastewater Tests: I. Organics (BOD, COD, TOC, O&G) (C 992) For most people a complete understanding of the standard methods required to accurately complete critical wastewater analytical tests is not necessary. However, a fundamental understanding of the theory behind and working knowledge of the basic procedures used for each test, and the answers to commonly asked questions about each test can be a valuable tool for anyone involved in generating, monito…
  • Understanding Laboratory Wastewater Tests: II. Solids (TS, TSS, TDS, TVS, TFS) (C 1276) With the passing of the Clean Water Act and subsequent creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the early 1970s, industrial, institutional, and commercial entities have been required to continually improve the quality of their process wastewater effluent discharges. The determination of wastewater quality set forth in environmental permits has been established in a series of l…
  • Understanding Wastewater Treatment Systems (EB 100) Many Georgia communities are wrestling with wastewater disposal issues. The choices a community makes may affect its growth and environmental quality. This PowerPoint presentation presents the basics of wastewater treatment systems so that community leaders can make better-informed choices.
  • Understanding Your Water Bill (C 972) Educating yourself on the basics of your utility’s rates and rate structure, you can determine how your water bill is calculated, double check to make sure you are being charged the correct amount, and make the most cost-effective decisions for reducing your bill through water conservation.
  • Using Water Wisely with Automated Irrigation Systems (C 870) In Georgia, irrigation supplements rainfall and most years, even in summer, irrigation isn't needed every day. With a little careful observation, you can learn to determine your landscape plants' water needs.
  • Water-Wise Landscape Guide for the Georgia Piedmont (B 1444) Do you want a landscape that is beautiful, saves you time, effort and money and uses less water? If you do, a water-wise landscape is for you. Water-wise landscapes are designed, organized, and maintained by practices that use water strategically and wisely. Follow the seven basic steps outlined in this guide to create a beautiful water-wise yard or home garden.