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51 publications were found on Lawn-Maintenance
  • Annual Bluegrass Control in Residential Turfgrass (B 1394) Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) is a problematic winter annual weed in residential turf. Compared to most turfgrasses, annual bluegrass has a lighter green color, coarser leaf texture and produces unsightly seedheads. Contrary to its name, both annual (live for one season) and perennial (live for many seasons) biotypes of annual bluegrass may be found in turf. This publication describes methods of…
  • Annual Bluegrass Control Programs for Georgia Lawns (B 1463) Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) is the most problematic winter weed of lawns in Georgia. Plants have a light green color, coarse leaf texture, and produce unsightly seedheads. Annual bluegrass germinates in fall, overwinters in a vegetative state, and resumes active growth in spring. Competitive growth of populations causes stand thinning of desirable turfgrasses that may predispose lawns to invasion…
  • Armyworms in Sod (C 1130) There is considerable confusion regarding the life cycle and timing of fall armyworm infestation in turfgrass. It is not unusual for fall armyworms to infest newly planted sod in a home landscape, especially during late summer to fall. When fall armyworm infestation is detected, sod producers are often blamed for selling fall armyworm-infested sod. The reality, however, is that not all fall armywo…
  • Basic Principles of Pruning Woody Plants (B 949) Pruning is one of the most important cultural practices for maintaining woody plants, including ornamental trees and shrubs, fruits and nuts. Proper pruning requires a basic understanding of how plants respond to various pruning cuts. The principles and guidelines in this publication will help you master common pruning techniques.
  • Bermudagrass Control in Southern Lawns (B 1393) Although improved common (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and hybrid bermudagrasses (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) have desirable qualities as turfgrasses for heat, drought and wear tolerance, bermudagrass is a problematic weed when grown in mixed stands with other turf species. Selective control of bermudagrass is difficult but often warranted in order to maintain acceptable quali…
  • Bermudagrass in Georgia (B 911) Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) is an important warm-season, perennial, sod-forming forage grass in Georgia and throughout the Southeast. Bermudagrass is productive from spring until fall and is well-suited for grazing or hay production. Several varieties of bermudagrass are used in Georgia, ranging from common bermudagrass to the high-yielding, good quality hybrid bermudagrasses. The best variety to …
  • Best Management Practices in the Landscape (C 873) Research has shown that if you properly select, install and maintain ornamental plant, you greatly increase their survival and performance in the landscape. Following BMPs (Best Management Practices) not only conserve moisture in the landscape but will assure overall health and vigor of the ornamental plants.
  • Centipedegrass Decline (C 1003) Centipedegrass is ideal for the homeowner who wants a lawn that needs little care. It can be established by either seed or vegetative parts and does not require much fertilizer. Compared to other lawn grasses, it is moderately resistant to insects and diseases. Although centipedegrass is a relatively low maintenance grass, proper management is still required.
  • Chainsaw Safety Tips (B 1364) This publication discusses tips for purchasing the correct chainsaw for your needs and how to use it safely.
  • Composting: Recycling Landscape Trimmings (C 981) Citizens throughout Georgia are recycling newspaper, cans, glass and plastic in an effort to divert these materials from the waste stream. Another important part of waste reduction involves recycling leaves, lawn clippings, and tree and shrub trimmings instead of placing them curbside for the county or municipality to pick up. These landscape riches from Mother Nature can be easily recycled and tu…
  • Control of Lace Bugs on Ornamental Plants (B 1102) Lace bug damage to the foliage of trees and shrubs detracts greatly from the plants' beauty, reduces the plants' ability to produce food, reduces the plants' vigor ad causes the plant to be more susceptible to damage by other insects, diseases or unfavorable weather conditions. Repeated, heavy infestations of lace bugs may be the primary cause of plant death.
  • Controlling Moss and Algae in Turf (C 823) Occasionally, turfgrass areas begin to thin out and moss and algae start to form. These primitive plants develop because conditions for growing dense, healthy turf have declined. This publication gives you preventive practices and chemical suppression tips for controlling moss and algae in turf.
  • Designing, Constructing and Maintaining Bermudagrass Sports Fields (B 1292) This for-sale publication describes everything you need to know about designing, constructing and maintaining bermudagrass sports fields. It is available for purchase here:
  • Developing a WaterSmart Landscape (C 930) A water smart landscape is more than just water-efficient. It's a landscape that has been carefully designed, properly installed and managed to reduce pollution, improve conservation and ensure year-round beauty.
  • Dollar Spot of Turfgrasses in Georgia: Identification and Control (C 1091) Dollar spot is an ever-present turfgrass disease that affects all warm and cool season grasses in the state of Georgia. The publication contains important information on the biology of the causal agent, detail description of the disease symptoms (aided by high quality-detailed pictures), relevant up-to-date information on conditions favoring the disease, as well as cultural, genetic and chemical m…
  • Equipment Maintenance and Troubleshooting for the Landscape and Garden (C 1247) This publication covers routine maintenance and troubleshooting for common motorized equipment (small engine) that is used by small farmers and gardeners. Gardening and landscape equipment can be an expensive investment for both consumers and professionals. However, quality equipment can last a lifetime when cared for properly. Typically, you get what you pay for when it comes to equipment. Higher…
  • Fall Gardening: A Collection of Information and Resources (AP 105) This publication is an annually-updated guide to fall gardening information and resources for Georgia. Topics include planting tall fescue lawns, soil bag flower beds, planting pansies like the pros, planting collards, turnips and cabbage, planting a home fruit orchard, mulching with leaves, gardening chores, cleaning and storing garden tools, treating for fire ants, and additional resources.
  • Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Perennial Grass, Pasture, and Forage (SB 28-25) Commercial insect and weed control in perennial grasses, pastures, and forages. Updated annually.
  • Grasscycling: Let the Clippings Fall Where They May (C 1031) Grasscycling is the natural recycling of grass clippings by leaving them on the lawn after mowing. Grasscycling saves time, effort and, when done properly, is good for the environment and health of the grass. This publication describes the process of grasscycling, a practical and environmentally responsible way of recycling grass clippings in the landscape.
  • Gray Leaf Spot in Georgia Turfgrass: Identification and Control (C 1116) In the state of Georgia, gray leaf spot (GLS) primarily affects St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and is particularly chronic and damaging in the coastal area of the state. This publication contains important information on the biology of the causal agent, detailed description of the disease symptoms (aided by high-quality, detailed pictures), relevant up-to-date information on conditio…
  • Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Turf (SB 48-11) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers insect, disease, and weed control in home turfgrass. Care should be taken when using insecticides around any flowering plants when bees are actively foraging. Timing sprays for late afternoon and evening will minimize risks from broad-spectrum contact insecticides. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purcha…
  • Identification and Control of Microdochium (Fusarium) Patch in Turfgrass in Georgia (C 1265) This publication contains information on Microdochium patch, an emerging disease in the state of Georgia. This circular contains the biology of the causal agent, as well as a detailed description of the disease symptoms (with detailed pictures), relevant up-to-date information on conditions favoring the disease, as well as cultural, genetic and chemical methods of control. The publication is aimed…
  • Identification and Control of Spring Dead Spot in Georgia (C 1012) Spring dead spot (SDS) is a persistent and destructive disease of bermudagrass (Cynodon sp.) in Georgia. The disease can be problematic on lawns, landscapes, golf courses (bermudagrass greens, tees and fairways) and sports fields. The disease is particularly prevalent and damaging in north Georgia, especially in the Piedmont region. However, SDS can be observed throughout the state after harsh win…
  • Irrigation for Lawns and Gardens (B 894) In order to maintain a lush, green lawn and productive garden, supplemental water in the form of irrigation is often needed during peak water use periods. Two basic types of irrigation are suitable for the home landscape: sprinkler irrigation and drip (or trickle) irrigation. This publication contains comprehensive information about irrigating lawns and gardens.
  • Landscape Basics: Designing a Quality Control Program for Your Company (B 1420) Well-groomed landscapes are often a result of considerable effort by landscape companies. Employees make them happen with routine care and, above all, attention to detail. A quality landscape and the image employees present on the job speak highly of the professionalism of the firm. Quality control (QC) is everyone's responsibility and an essential part of a landscaper's job. This publication desc…
  • Lawns in Georgia: Establishment (B 1533-2) Turfgrass enhances the landscape in ways that can be particularly important in urban environments. Turf is one of the most effective plant covers to reduce soil erosion and surface runoff while recharging ground water, which results in more efficient use of rainfall. In most landscapes turf occupies the largest area and provides an ideal surface for outdoor activities. It begins with selecting the…
  • Lespedeza Identification and Control in Turfgrass (B 1395) This publication describes ways to identify and control Lespedeza in turfgrass, including cultural control methods, preemergence herbicides and postemergence herbicides.
  • Make Every Drop Count: Xeriscape - Seven Steps to a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-1) A landscape designed, installed and managed according to Xeriscaping's seven steps uses up to 50% less water than a traditional landscape. And, a well-designed water-wise is just as attractive as a traditional landscape.
  • Management of Turfgrass Insect Pests and Pollinator Protection (C 1127) Turfgrass is an important component of many landscapes. Research has shown that landscapes support diverse, abundant, and intact bee communities in New York, California, and Ohio. In fact, the abundance and diversity of bees visiting home landscapes have been observed to approach, and even exceed, numbers in nearby natural and/or agricultural systems. If the turfgrass has been treated or is being …
  • Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas (B 1191) Imported fire ants interfere with outdoor activities and harm wildlife throughout the southern U.S. Ant mounds are unsightly and may reduce land values. Although fire ants do prey on flea larvae, chinch bugs, cockroach eggs, ticks and other pests, the problems they cause usually outweigh any benefits in urban areas. While it is not possible to eradicate this species, controlling fire ants is highl…
  • Mole Crickets in Turf (C 918) Mole crickets are serious pests of Georgia turf. Estimates of mole cricket losses in commercial, recreational and residential sod now exceed $20 million annually. Weather and soil conditions in Georgia’s Coastal Plain region are ideal for mole crickets, and damage continues to increase.
  • Professional Grounds Management Calendar (C 802) This publication is a monthly guide for professional managers of commercial, recreational, municipal, institutional or private grounds in Georgia.
  • Pruning Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 961) This publication provides guidelines for proper pruning that may help assure healthy vigorous plants and lasting landscape beauty. First, we'll discuss the three basic Ts for successful pruning: tools, technique and timing. Then we'll examine the pruning requirements of specific ornamental plants in the home landscape.
  • Soil Testing for Home Lawns, Gardens and Wildlife Food Plots (C 896) Developing and maintaining productive soils begin with soil testing. Soils tests provide information on the soil's actual nutrient status. Test results are used to determine the amount and kind of nutrients that should be added for the best growth of lawn, garden, and other types of plants.
  • Spanish Series: Control de Bermuda en Céspedes Residenciales del Sudeste de los EEUU (B 1393-SP) La bermuda es una planta perenne de estación cálida ampliamente utilizada para su uso como césped en el sudeste de los Estados Unidos. [Although improved common (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and hybrid bermudagrasses (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) have desirable qualities as turfgrasses for heat, drought and wear tolerance, bermudagrass is a problematic weed when grown in mixed…
  • Spanish Series: Enfermedad “Mal del Pie” en Céspedes de Clima Cálido: Identificación y Control (C 1102-SP) El mal del pie es una enfermedad destrcutiva en la region central, sur y costera de Georgia. EL mal del pie afecta todos los cespedes de clima calido en Georgia pero es mas severo en el cesped San Agustin (Stenotaphrum secundatum). La publicacion contiene informacion importante en la biologia del gente causal, descripcion detallada de los sintomas de la enfermedad (con fotografias de alta definici…
  • Spanish Series: Enfermedades de Céspedes: Guia de Referencia Rapida (C 891-SP) Agente causal, céspedes susceptibles,condiciones que promueven la enfermedad, síntomas y control de mancha parda, mancha dólar, quemazón por Pythium, mancha foliar por Helminthosporium, marchitamiento por Curvularia, mancha foliar gris, anillo de hada, enfermedad toma-todo o pudrición radicular por Gaeumannomyces, roya, hongos gelatinosos y nematodos. [Causal agent, susceptible turfgrasses, cond…
  • Spanish Series: Enfermedades de los Céspedes en Georgia: Identificación y Control (B 1233-SP) Esta publicación es una guía completa para la identificación y control de enfermedades de los céspedes en Georgia. Enfermedades incluyen: mancha "dólar"; anillos de hada; pudrición radicular "toma-todo"; Mancha parda/Mancha larga por Rhizoctonia Royas; Mancha foliar o decaimiento por Curvularia; quemazón o mancha foliar gris; antracnosis; hongos gelatinosos; y pudrición radicular por Pythium/quema…
  • Spanish Series: Identificación y Control de Lespedeza en Céspedes (B 1395-SP) La lespedeza común (Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schind syn. Lespedeza striata) es una leguminosa anual de verano sin organización en sus ramificaciones, que es una maleza problemática en céspedes de jardines residenciales así como en otras áreas de césped. [Common lespedeza (Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schind syn. Lespedeza striata) is a freely branched, summer annual legume that is a problematic…
  • Sugarcane Beetle: An Emerging Insect Pest in Georgia Turfgrass (C 1257) The sugarcane beetle has been a significant pest of many crops, including sugarcane, corn, sweet potato, and rice, for more than 100 years. It is a native species commonly found in turfgrass. While low numbers of beetles in an area generally are not regarded as pests, increasing numbers of adult beetles have been causing damage to turfgrass stands throughout the Southeastern U.S. The adult sugar…
  • Take-All Root Rot of Warm-Season Grasses (C 1102) Take-all root rot (TARR) has emerged as a destructive disease in central, south and coastal Georgia. TARR affects all warm-season turfgrasses in Georgia, but it is more common and severe in St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). This publication contains important information on the biology of the causal agent, detailed descriptions of the disease symptoms (aided by high-quality, detailed…
  • Ten Steps to a Healthier Home Lawn (C 1009) The key to disease control is a healthy plant. Under proper turfgrass management, disease-causing conditions are often reduced and healthy turf is maintained. The following management practices will help achieve vigorous, healthy turf and reduce turfgrass disease problems.
  • The Truth about Slime Molds, Spanish Moss, Lichens and Mistletoe (B 999) This publication contains basic information about slime molds, Spanish moss, lichens and mistletoe.
  • Turfgrass Diseases in Georgia: Identification and Control (B 1233) This publication is a comprehensive guide to identifying and controlling turfgrass diseases in Georgia.
  • Turfgrass Fertility Series: Turfgrass Fertility: Soil Texture, Organic Matter, Aeration, and pH (C 1058-1) Successful lawn care requires a basic understanding of soil properties. A healthy plant starts with healthy soil. Soil is a complex relationship of soil minerals, organic matter, soil inhabiting organisms, and plants along with water and air. Understanding when and how to aerate the soil and understanding what pH is and how it affects plant health is essential for turfgrass health. This publicatio…
  • Turfgrass Fertility Series: Turfgrass Fertility: Understanding Fertilizer Labels, Macronutrients, and Micronutrients (C 1058-2) A regular fertilization program is important to maintain healthy, attractive turf and should include applying the correct analysis of fertilizer, using the correct amount, and fertilizing at the proper time. Turfgrasses require a number of nutrients for growth. Three of these—carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen—are rarely lacking because grasses get these elements from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere an…
  • Using Water Wisely with Automated Irrigation Systems (C 870) In Georgia, irrigation supplements rainfall and most years, even in summer, irrigation isn't needed every day. With a little careful observation, you can learn to determine your landscape plants' water needs.
  • Water-Wise Landscape Guide for the Georgia Piedmont (B 1444) Do you want a landscape that is beautiful, saves you time, effort and money and uses less water? If you do, a water-wise landscape is for you. Water-wise landscapes are designed, organized, and maintained by practices that use water strategically and wisely. Follow the seven basic steps outlined in this guide to create a beautiful water-wise yard or home garden.
  • Weed Control in Home Lawns (B 978) Weeds can be major pests of home lawns. Due to differences in color, leaf size, shape and growth habit, weeds detract from the natural beauty of desirable turfgrasses. Additionally, weeds compete with turfgrasses for sunlight, soil moisture, nutrients and space. Many weeds can quickly become the dominant species in a lawn. This publication contains comprehensive information about weed control in h…
  • White Grub Pests of Turfgrass (C 940) White grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles. All are C-shaped, white to dirty white in color, with a brownish head and legs.
  • Winter Protection of Ornamental Plants (C 872) Cold damage to ornamental plants can be a problem during the winter in the Georgia landscape. Regardless of where you live, recommended practices can maximize the chances that your prized landscape plants will survive the winter.