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37 publications were found on Flowers
  • Care of Holiday and Gift Plants (C 951) Flowering and foliage plants can make welcome gifts. How long they remain attractive may be directly related to the care and handling they are given. This publication describes ways to properly care for holiday and gift plants to ensure maximum longevity.
  • Care of Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 1065) Most established ornamental plants in the landscape require care to stay healthy and attractive. Regular fertilization, pruning, watering, mulching and pest control are all part of a good landscape management program. This publication provides guidelines for the care of established ornamental plants in the landscape. Low-maintenance alternatives to traditional cultural practices are discussed thro…
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2013's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-1) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2013.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2014's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-2) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2014.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2015's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-3) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2015.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2018's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-6) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, showcasing the plants that were awarded Classic City Awards in 2018.
  • Control of Lace Bugs on Ornamental Plants (B 1102) Lace bug damage to the foliage of trees and shrubs detracts greatly from the plants' beauty, reduces the plants' ability to produce food, reduces the plants' vigor ad causes the plant to be more susceptible to damage by other insects, diseases or unfavorable weather conditions. Repeated, heavy infestations of lace bugs may be the primary cause of plant death.
  • Dahlias (C 576) Dahlias are among the most spectacular flowers you can grow in your garden. Hundreds of varieties are available, with flower sizes ranging from 1 to 14 inches in diameter. Almost any color except true blue can be produced in Georgia. In exchange for their beauty, dahlias require dedicated care. Most of them need special soil preparation, staking, watering during dry periods, disbudding and a stric…
  • Eco-Friendly Garden: Attracting Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Other Natural Predators (B 1456) A pollinator-friendly and ecologically sustainable garden is both beautiful and able to attract and sustain beneficial insects, reducing the need for pesticides. This publication is based on new research in habitat management for purposes of planting insect-attracting plant species in order to intentionally draw insects to garden areas and urban landscapes. This is done by providing a refuge for t…
  • Flowering Annuals for Georgia Gardens (B 954) Annuals are the mainstay color plant of many home gardens. They are also used in increasingly large numbers in commercial and municipal landscapes because they provide landscape color in a very short time with minimal investment. Properly cared for, many annuals will brighten the landscape continuously from spring until frost kills them in the fall.
  • Flowering Bulbs for Georgia Gardens (B 918) A wide variety of bulbs grow well in Georgia. Most are grown for their flowers and some for their foliage. They are grown as pot plants, in shrub borders, naturalistic plantings and in mass displays. Bulbs offer a certain magic to the landscape virtually unrivaled by other plants.
  • Flowering Perennials for Georgia Gardens (B 944) This publication is devoted specifically to covering everything you need to know about growing herbaceous perennials, primarily to those that persist from crowns and/or fleshy roots.
  • Geraniums (B 790) Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants grown in the United States. They are easy to grow and can be used in many types of gardens, such as ground beds, planter boxes, hanging baskets and pots. They are ideal for flanking entrance-ways and adding color to border plantings. This publication explains everything you need to know about growing geraniums.
  • Growing African Violets (C 660) African violets are now among the most popular indoor plants. They are easy to grow and offer a wealth of beautiful flowers.
  • Growing Bigleaf Hydrangea (C 973) Bigleaf hydrangea, also called French, Japanese, or snowball hydrangea, is a landscape plant. Bigleaf hydrangea can be transplanted to the landscape for repeat blooms each year.
  • Growing Hostas (C 955) Hostas are quickly becoming one of the most popular perennial plants grown in our landscapes. Sometimes referred to as plantain lilies, hostas are reliable plants for both shade and partial sun situations. This publication includes variety recommendations.
  • Growing Sunflowers in the Home Garden (C 1121) Sunflowers can be an important addition to the home garden due to their ability to attract beneficial insects as well as serve as a trap crop. Sunflowers also provide a nutritional, edible crop high in protein and low in fat. This publication covers the basics of how to grow and harvest sunflowers in the home garden. The circular introduces the benefits of growing sunflowers as well as multiple us…
  • Hobby Greenhouses (B 910) The gardener who has a greenhouse can extend or intermingle the seasons at will. Whether you wish to build your own greenhouse from scratch or purchase a prefabricated structure ready for assembly, this publication explains everything you need to know about building and maintaining a hobby greenhouse. This publication also includes several building design plans.
  • Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Home Fungicide Guide (SB 48-06) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers fungicides for use in and around your home. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing a product based on a first-year recommendation of the Handbook, check the current product label before purchase to be sure it is still labeled for the use for which you are buying it. For pesticide products you have o…
  • Landscape Basics: Color Theory (B 1396) This publication explores color relationships in the landscape, ways of seeing plants in terms of color, and various ways to use color successfully in plant selection and landscape design and composition.
  • Landscape Basics: Crop Rotation and Cultural Practices Help Reduce Diseases in Seasonal Color Beds (B 1423) Landscape professionals must consider many factors when choosing the right flowering annuals to plant for a particular location. Primary considerations include high visual impact, consistent bloom for color, foliage for texture and color, sun exposure, growth habit and low-water tolerance. Cost plays an important role as well. Many landscapers typically choose common annual ornamentals and tropica…
  • Landscape Basics: Success with Herbaceous Perennials (B 1424) Whether in a commercial installation or residential garden, perennial plants can be successfully used to offer more landscaping choices, distinguish your firm from the competition and create a niche for your landscape business. Perennial plants are complex, and it is best to contract or hire a professional landscape architect for the design phase and train knowledgeable staff in proper maintenance…
  • Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the principles and requirements of good landscape design and plant maintenance. Hardiness and disease and insect resistant qualities are also considered.
  • Lantana Lace Bug Biology and Management (C 1262) The lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Tingidae: Hemiptera), is a serious pest of lantana (Lantana camara L.). Although lantana is regarded as an invasive weed both in the United States and worldwide, many popular cultivars continue to be planted in residential and public ornamental landscapes and gardens. Previously, the lantana lace bug was deliberately introduced to several countries…
  • Larger Canna Leafroller: A Major Insect Pest of Canna Lily (C 1233) An introduction to the larger canna leafroller, plus information on biology and management.
  • Mite Vector of Rose Rosette Virus (C 1176) Rose rosette virus vectored by eriophyid mites can cause major problems for nurseries, landscapers, and gardeners alike. The spread of this mite and virus can cause serious damage to plants, decreasing profits for nurseries and landscapers. The virus causes the plants to become undesirable and will eventually result in the death of the plant, which affects all segments of the rose industry as well…
  • Native Plants for Georgia Part III: Wildflowers (B 987-3) This publication is a comprehensive guide to growing and identifying native wildflowers suitable for planting in Georgia. The term “wildflower” in this publication is a general term used to define both annual and perennial native herbaceous plants with showy flowers that have evolved with an ecosystem and grow naturally without either direct or indirect human intervention. NOTE: This publication…
  • Roses in Georgia: Selecting and Growing Techniques (C 1001) Roses are one of the most popular plants among Georgia gardeners even though growing roses in the southern climate can be challenging. Knowing which rose varieties to choose is the key to success. This publication discusses selection and techniques for growing roses in Georgia.
  • Selecting and Growing Azaleas (B 670) Azaleas' vivid colors, profusion of flowers and adaptability to a wide range of soils and climates make them one of the most popular flowering shrubs in Georgia. Although most people associate azaleas with spring, there are several that bloom in summer and fall. By carefully selecting plants, you can have azaleas blooming at least eight months of the year.
  • Silverleaf Whitefly: A Pest in Nursery and Greenhouse Ornamental Crops (C 1249) The silverleaf whitefly, also known as the sweet potato whitefly or Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), attacks a wide range of plants, from ornamentals to warm-season vegetables. Whiteflies are active from mid-July to mid-October and are found gathered together on the underside of leaves during the daytime. Although 76 whitefly species are known to exist in the Southeastern U.S., only a few …
  • Small Flowering Gardens Help the Migrating Monarch Butterfly (B 1558) A classic example of a North American species that undergoes a great migration is the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus Linnaeus. Monarchs travel on air currents and cross more than 3000 miles in winter to reach their overwintering sites. Monarch butterfly populations are showing a declining trend. As the overwintering habitat in Mexico is destroyed by logging or deforestation activities, they h…
  • Soil Preparation and Planting Procedures for Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 932) Proper planting is essential for healthy, vigorous growth of ornamental plants in the landscape. It assures rapid plant establishment by providing a favorable environment for the developing root system. This publication offers step-by-step guidelines that will help you achieve planting success.
  • Success with Mixed Containers Using Perennial and Woody Plants (B 1418) This publication offers information on types of plants suitable for mixed containers, with an emphasis on perennial and woody species and cultivars, as well as aesthetic qualities, cultural conditions and placement within the container.
  • Success with Pansies in the Winter Landscape: A Guide for Landscape Professionals (B 1359) This publication provides guidelines for the planting and care of pansies to ensure success, including planting time, bed preparation, plant spacing, planting procedures, fertilization, freeze protection, and common insect and disease problems. Since seasonal color is a high-cost investment in the landscape, it is important to get the maximum return on your investment by following these planting a…
  • Tropical Plants Offer New Possibilities for Georgia Gardens (B 1272) The goals of these investigations were to achieve an aesthetically pleasing landscape while experimenting with mixing various plant habits, leaf textures and colors, and even flowers, and to raise consumer awareness, both at industry and public levels, of the alternative uses of tropical plants in the landscape. This publication presents plant performance data collected over a three-year period in…
  • Visual Guide to Common Wildflowers of South Georgia (C 1288) Wildflowers not only beautify the landscape but also provide food and shelter for myriad insects, birds, and mammals. Georgia is rich in endemic (belonging in a particular area or environment) species which grow in a wide variety of habitats, from coastal dunes and pine sandhills to savannas, meadows, and forests. Although many species are primarily seen in undisturbed natural habitats, others hav…
  • Winter Protection of Ornamental Plants (C 872) Cold damage to ornamental plants can be a problem during the winter in the Georgia landscape. Regardless of where you live, recommended practices can maximize the chances that your prized landscape plants will survive the winter.