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11 publications were found on Container-Gardens
  • Alternatives to Petroleum-Based Containers for the Nursery Industry (B 1407) Beginning in the 1970s, container nursery production acreage rapidly increased such that container nursery production is now the dominant method of nursery production. As a standard in the industry, plastic nursery containers are lightweight, durable, familiar to growers, work well with automation, and can be reused or recycled. However, they are limited in their ability to be sustainably eco-frie…
  • Care of Holiday and Gift Plants (C 951) Flowering and foliage plants can make welcome gifts. How long they remain attractive may be directly related to the care and handling they are given. This publication describes ways to properly care for holiday and gift plants to ensure maximum longevity.
  • Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2020's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-8) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, showcasing the plants that were awarded Classic City Awards in 2020.
  • Gardening in Containers (C 787) Growing plants in containers differs from growing plants in the ground. Poorly drained potting mixture can lead to root problems. Under conditions of excess moisture and poor aeration, roots become stressed and are easily invaded by root rotting fungi. Under these circumstances, plants fail to grow properly or even die. In addition to guidance on soil preparation, this bulletin provides informati…
  • Gardening in Containers Using Tropical Plants (B 1338) Container gardening has enjoyed an increased popularity in the last decade. With increased urbanization, container gardens have come to the rescue to brighten up patios and balconies. This publication is intended to provide information on successful gardening in containers using tropical plant materials.
  • Growing Ferns (B 737) Ferns became popular indoor plants during the Victorian Era. Today, they are used as specimens in atriums, greenhouses and conservatories, and we find them in the smallest apartments and the largest homes. They offer a quiet, graceful beauty by softening landscapes indoors and out.
  • Hobby Greenhouses (B 910) The gardener who has a greenhouse can extend or intermingle the seasons at will. Whether you wish to build your own greenhouse from scratch or purchase a prefabricated structure ready for assembly, this publication explains everything you need to know about building and maintaining a hobby greenhouse. This publication also includes several building design plans.
  • Native Plants for Georgia Part II: Ferns (B 987-2) There are about 12,000 species of ferns in the world today. Most are found in the tropics. Currently, Georgia is home to 36 genera, 119 species and 12 hybrid ferns. The list is constantly expanding as new plants are found. To grow ferns successfully, it is important to match the site characteristics and growing environment with the native requirements of the fern species you intend to grow. Even i…
  • New Trial Tropical Container Gardens (B 1361) With increased urbanization, container gardens continue to enjoy popularity and brighten up patios and balconies. For many reasons, tropical plants have become a staple in container gardens traditionally filled with herbaceous annuals, bulbs, succulents, perennials and woody plants.
  • Repotting Basics (C 1240) This publication describes the reasoning behind repotting, as well as container selection, drainage, positioning the plant on an appropriate soil base, examining and attending to root issues, potential root removal and/or redistribution, backfilling, protecting, and watering the plant upon completion of repotting. As container plants mature, their biomass increases and the roots grow outward and…
  • Success with Mixed Containers Using Perennial and Woody Plants (B 1418) This publication offers information on types of plants suitable for mixed containers, with an emphasis on perennial and woody species and cultivars, as well as aesthetic qualities, cultural conditions and placement within the container.