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5 publications were found on Mulch
  • Care of Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 1065) Most established ornamental plants in the landscape require care to stay healthy and attractive. Regular fertilization, pruning, watering, mulching and pest control are all part of a good landscape management program. This publication provides guidelines for the care of established ornamental plants in the landscape. Low-maintenance alternatives to traditional cultural practices are discussed thro…
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Weed Control (C 1027-13) This publication describes weed control methods that are appropriate for community and school gardens.
  • Composting and Mulching (C 816) This publication explains how to build, maintain a compost pile as well as how to use compost and mulch in the yard and garden.
  • Fall Gardening: A Collection of Information and Resources (AP 105) This publication is an annually-updated guide to fall gardening information and resources for Georgia. Topics include planting tall fescue lawns, soil bag flower beds, planting pansies like the pros, planting collards, turnips and cabbage, planting a home fruit orchard, mulching with leaves, gardening chores, cleaning and storing garden tools, treating for fire ants, and additional resources.
  • Mulching Vegetables (C 984) Mulch should be easily obtained, inexpensive and simple to apply, although availability and cost vary from region to region. You can usually find mulching materials in your own yard, at garden centers or from tree-service firms. This publication includes a list of mulching materials, with emphasis on their advantages and disadvantages.