UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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4 publications were found on Composting
  • Compost Utilization for Erosion Control (B 1200) Composting is the controlled biological process of decomposition and recycling of organic material into a humus-rich soil amendment known as compost. Mixed organic materials such as manure, yard trimmings, food waste and biosolids must go through a controlled heat process before they can be used as high quality, biologically stable and mature compost (otherwise it is just mulch, manure or byproduc…
  • Composting and Mulching (C 816) This publication explains how to build, maintain a compost pile as well as how to use compost and mulch in the yard and garden.
  • Composting: Recycling Landscape Trimmings (C 981) Citizens throughout Georgia are recycling newspaper, cans, glass and plastic in an effort to divert these materials from the waste stream. Another important part of waste reduction involves recycling leaves, lawn clippings, and tree and shrub trimmings instead of placing them curbside for the county or municipality to pick up. These landscape riches from Mother Nature can be easily recycled and tu…
  • Poultry Litter Composting for Backyard Flocks (C 1097) Your coop is ready. You've built a covered run or exercise yard to keep your chickens safe from predators and wild birds that carry diseases. Your chicks are old enough to move outside, and you're eagerly awaiting your first fresh eggs. In the meantime, your chickens are producing something else on a daily basis: manure. How do you handle all of that poultry poop so that your neighbors don't com…