Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
Program in Action
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is nationally known as EFNEP. EFNEP is a federally funded program offered by the UGA Extension and Fort Valley State University. EFNEP has been helping parents learn how to feed their children healthier meals and snacks for over 40 years.
Who Do We Serve?
Families with Children
EFNEP works with agencies that serve families with children. A series of 6 EFNEP nutrition education sessions are provided on improving dietary needs to reduce the risk of chronic diseases (e.g., childhood/adult obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes); menu planning; stretching your food dollars; food safety to prevent foodborne illness; recipe demonstrations, and incorporating physical activity daily.
Pregnant Women
How much weight should I gain? What type of food can I eat? I am a teenager; can I still eat fast food like I did before I was pregnant? These are questions that can confuse most women who are pregnant for the first time. EFNEP will assist you in answering these questions and more.
Benefits of EFNEP
EFNEP nutrition education sessions will show participants how to:
- Increase dollars saved on food purchases.
- Reduce unhealthy food practices.
- Reduce childhood obesity.
- Increase safe food practices.
- Reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
- Increase healthy eating practices.
- Reduce the risk of chronic illnesses.
- To learn more about EFNEP, please visit the UGA EFNEP website.
Fulton County EFNEP Staff
- LaZavia Grier, FACS Agent for EFNEP programs