What is 4-H?
Georgia 4-H empowers youth to learn, discover and create to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.
As the youth development program for UGA Cooperative Extension, 4-H educates young people in every county across the state. The largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 242,000 people annually through county Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

Who do I contact to learn more and sign up?
In Georgia, UGA Extension faculty and staff members based on the state staff and through counties work with adult and teen volunteer leaders to implement 4-H programs. For more information about Georgia 4-H in your area, contact your local county Extension Office.
Learn more:
- Read about 4-H's history and mission.
- Have a question about statewide programs? View our state staff directory.
- Program-centered events and activities focus on agriculture and STEM, healthy living and civic engagement.
- Support 4-H programming through the Georgia 4-H Foundation.
- Download the Georgia 4-H membership and impact flyer.
Youth development rooted in social science
Across our curricula and programs, the national 4-H essential elements below are embedded into the learning experience to promote positive youth development:
- Mastery: Youth need to feel and believe they are capable and they must experience success at solving problems and meeting challenges.
- Generosity: Youth need to feel their lives have meaning and purpose.
- Belonging: Youth need to know they are cared about by others and feel a sense of connection to others.
- Independence: Youth need to know that they are able to influence people and events through decision-making and action.

Related Websites
- Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island
- Fortson 4-H Center
- Camp Jekyll
- Rock Eagle 4-H Center
- 4-H Tidelands Nature Center
- Wahsega 4-H Center
Statewide 4-H Programs
4-H County and Club Meetings Hands-on projects for kids in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors.
4-H Environmental Education Hands-on learning in Georgia's outdoor classroom.
4-H Livestock Program Learn responsibility through raising and showing livestock.
4-H Project Achievement Project Achievement serves to showcase 4-H'ers work and success.
4-H Summer Camp Adventure, friendship and fun for ages 9 and up.