Agriculture & Natural Resources
Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents connect current research-based information from the University of Georgia to the local community. Agents teach topics related to agriculture and natural resources and provide educational programs through individual and group instruction.
Learn more about our Agricultural and Natural Resources services, including the Master Gardener Extension Volunteer program and soil, water, and plant testing.
Container Gardening Series

Staff Listing
Agricultural Services
East Point Office
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please call our East Point office to schedule an appointment at 404-613-4920
Sandy Springs Office
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Call 404-613-7670 for more info.
Camp Truitt Office
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Please call our Camp Truitt office to schedule an appointment at 404-613-7990 (new number).
Atlanta History Center
For questions regarding soil testing or other Agricultural and Natural Resources services, please contact either our North office (404-613-7670), our South office (404-613-4920), or email soiltest@uga.
Site Visits
We are currently unable to guarantee site visits at this time, but please feel free to connect with our ANR team to see how we can best assist you and diagnose any problems you may have.
Below are some of UGA Extension's most broadly useful resources for those involved in agriculture on the farm, in schools, and around the home.
Production Agriculture

Home & Garden