UGA Extension Office

Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging

What is Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging?

  • Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging is a consumer education program and contest where 4-H'ers will not only learn about the significance of cotton as an agricultural commodity here in Georgia but they will also develop the skills needed to help promote cotton through the use of commercials or advertisements.

Who is eligible to participate?

  • Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging is available to 4-H'ers in grades 4th - 12th.

When is the competition?

  • This year's Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging competition is scheduled for 

How does this contest work?

The Junior Competition is for 4th - 8th grade youth. The Senior Competition is for 9th - 12th grade youth. This contest is comprised of two competition areas:

  • Judging Classes - In this portion of the competition, 4-H'ers will judge 4 classes of items. Each class contains 4 similar items (numbered 1-4) and has an accompanying situation statement. This statement describes a consumer and gives the needs to be considered when he or she makes a decision to purchase the item. 4-H'ers will then rank the items based on how well they fit with the situation statement. All contestants are expected to give oral reasons on one of the classes.
  • Presentations: Commercials and Advertisements - For Juniors, they will prepare a poster (no larger than 14x22) that promotes cotton and use that poster in presenting a 30 second cotton commercial. For Seniors, they will prepare a 90 second speech/advertisement about cotton.

Why should my 4-H'er participate in Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging?

  • 4-H'ers will gain important life skills such as learning to develop their decision making skills in order to help them make rational decisions when purchasing goods and services while maximizing resources. This program will help youth to become future knowledgeable consumers.

Will there be practices for Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging?

  • Yes - Practices will be held every Tuesday from5:30PM-6:30PM 


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sheila Bechtel at (770) 288 - 8421 or by email at:

