Plant Testing and Diagnosis

The Plant Disease Clinics provide diagnostic support for county and area Extension personnel and the residents of Georgia. Our services include analysis of plant material and soil for bacterial, fungal, viral, and nematode pathogens as well as suggesting appropriate control measures when available. Our clients include Extension Educators, Growers, Retailers, Arborists, Golf Courses, Researchers, and Homeowners. The clinic provides accurate plant disease diagnosis, quick turn around time, professional services, and up-to-date control recommendations.
This program is committed to providing the best unbiased educational information on disease management, and responsive diagnosis to facilitate timely implementation of those management recommendations. This goal is achieved by effective interdepartmental and interdisciplinary programming across our functions of research, Extension and instruction.
The Plant Disease Clinics work very closely with the UGA Cooperative Extension County Offices. For all plant disease concerns contact Richmond County Extension office at 706-821-2350.
Identify Plant Problems
If you have questions about your lawn, garden, insects, or other landscape issues, please send photos along with your question(s) to your county extension agricultural and natural resources (ANR) agent. Most issues and identifications can be diagnosed with good photos. Once the agent has your photos and questions, he will be able to assist you.
Email photos to Follow are easy-to-follow instructions to take proper photos for diagnosis.

Extension Publications
Key to Diseases of Oaks in the Landscape (B 1286) This publication contains a guide to diseases of oak trees in the landscape.
Enfermedades Más Comunes de Plantas Ornamentales en Georgia (B 1238-SP) Esta publicación describe algunas de las enfermedades más problemáticas en las plantas de ornato más usadas en el jardín. El material presentado aquí le ayudará a identificar estas enfermedades y encontrará las recomendaciones para su tratamiento. El conocimiento de estas enfermedades permitirá a los jardineros profesionales y amateurs a combatir estas enfermedades y tener plantas saludables y bellas. [This publication describes some of the most troublesome diseases of Georgia's landscape plants. The following material will help you identify these diseases and offers recommendations for treatment. Knowledge about the common diseases of Georgia landscape plants will allow professional and amateur growers alike to better fight plant diseases and produce healthy plants.]
Fireblight: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (C 871) Fireblight is a destructive, highly infectious, and widespread disease. It attacks blossoms, leaves, shoots, branches, fruits, and roots. This publication has some facts and methods to avoid and control the disease.