UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Locally Grown Foods Initiative

Coweta County’s population has grown to more than 152,000 residents and continues to rise. With this population change, the Extension office has seen an increase in demand for educational information related to producing and/or purchasing locally grown foods. To address our citizens’ desire to grow their own food or purchase locally grown foods, Coweta Extension hired a full-time program assistant, expanded the capabilities of a part-time farmers market coordinator and collaborated with the Newnan-Coweta Boys and Girls Club to restart the “I Can Garden Club” following its postponement due to the pandemic.

Coweta County 4-H sends 28 Campers on $3,900 in Scholarships

Coweta County 4-H Awarded $3,900 to twenty-eight 4-H’ers in financial need. This was accomplished by collaborating with various organizations and individuals in the community along with state funds. Individuals including schoolteachers, small business owners, Coweta County Master Gardner Club, and Georgia Farm Bureau all donated funds to help support 4-H’ers demonstrating a financial need. Experiences at 4-H Summer Camp will form life-long skills that will benefit the 4-H’er in many different aspects of life. One parent noted “Our family will continue to see the benefits from 4-H Summer Camp for years to come. The structure of the program teaches independence and responsibility within a safe and fun environment. Through the scholarship programs, low-income families like ours can give our children the opportunity to experience a connection with nature and community while promoting a screen-free summer!”



Download Our Annual Report (pdf)