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8 publications were found on Weather
  • Anticipating Drought on Rainfed Farms in the Southeast (B 1403) Nobody wants drought, but it's been happening a lot in recent years in the Southeastern U.S. For farmers without irrigation, it may seem that little can be done besides accept what rain comes. However, by paying attention to forecasts and following general practices that help collect and retain moisture, risk can be reduced for all manner of future climate conditions. Here are some ideas for what …
  • Community and School Gardens Series: Extending the Crop Season: Unheated Spaces (C 1027-14) This publication describes common myths about cold protection and provides options for protecting plants from the cold in community and school gardens, including cold frames, row covers and hoop houses.
  • Dealing with Pasture, Hay, Feed, and Livestock Losses After Significant Weather Events (C 1165) As a result of significant weather events, many producers in Georgia may experience losses of pasture growth, hay stocks, feed supplies, and livestock. After such events occur, farmers will be assessing damage to fields, stock, and property for many days, weeks, months. This publication is intended to provide recommendations to farmers that have experienced adverse affects due to significant weath…
  • Factors that Influence Cold Hardiness of Citrus (C 1307) One of the most common questions regarding citrus is how much cold weather they can withstand before they are killed. Most citrus growers are looking for a specific low temperature, but there is no simple answer to this question because there are so many factors involved in citrus cold hardiness. This publication details research and information on the relative cold hardiness of different citrus v…
  • Managing and Feeding Lactating Dairy Cows in Hot Weather (B 956) Hot and humid environmental conditions stress the lactating dairy cow and reduce intake of the nutrients necessary to support milk yield and body maintenance. In Georgia, weather conditions are sufficiently hot and humid to reduce performance of dairy cows for five months or more each year. This publication presents methods that can be used to minimize the stress on dairy cows during hot weather a…
  • Spanish Series: Limpieza de Arboles Dañados por Tormentas (C 1199-SP) Los árboles son los que mas se dañan en las tormentas y son estos los mas peligrosos de limpiar. Los arboles dañados por tormentas están sujetos a una gran cantidad de peligros asociados con la tala de arboles y mucho, mucho mas. Las condiciones de trabajo pueden ser muy difíciles. Los arboles caídos se pueden enredar con otros arboles, o caerse en edificios, vehículos o alambres. La energía apres…
  • Storm Damaged Tree Cleanup (C 1199) Trees are often damaged in storms and can be extremely dangerous to clean up. Storm damaged trees are subject to all the perils associated with tree felling and much more. Working conditions may be difficult. Downed trees may be entangled in other trees, or tossed on buildings, vehicles, or wires. Energy stored in compressed limbs and trunks can be release suddenly, explosively, and fatally. Each …
  • What is a Weather Station and Can it Benefit Ornamental Growers? (B 1475) A weather station is a collection of instruments and sensors measuring atmospheric and soil conditions. Commonly measured environmental variables include light, temperature, relative humidity, rain, wind, and soil conditions (soil moisture, soil temperature, and/or soil bulk electrical conductivity). An on-site weather station allows growers to monitor the microclimate in a growing area. Weather c…