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8 publications were found on Natural-Disasters
  • Dealing with Pasture, Hay, Feed, and Livestock Losses After Significant Weather Events (C 1165) As a result of significant weather events, many producers in Georgia may experience losses of pasture growth, hay stocks, feed supplies, and livestock. After such events occur, farmers will be assessing damage to fields, stock, and property for many days, weeks, months. This publication is intended to provide recommendations to farmers that have experienced adverse affects due to significant weath…
  • Home Emergency Preparedness Checklist (B 1428-1) A two-page checklist of the basic list of supplies you should have ready for emergencies. Keep the items you will most likely need during an evacuation in an easy-to-carry, waterproof container. Be mindful that this is a basic list of supplies. A more comprehensive list can be found in the Home Emergency Management Guide.
  • Home Emergency Preparedness Handbook (B 1428) Communities across Georgia are subject to a number of potential disasters such as fires, flooding, severe storms, earthquakes, dam failures, tornados and hurricanes. While we all hope that such occurrences never happen, it has been shown time and again that being prepared for disasters is prudent. This handbook contains a step-by-step guide to disaster planning along with other essential informati…
  • Hurricane and Storm Damage to Greenhouse and Greenhouse Crops (TP 120) Hurricanes can cause severe damage to greenhouse structures and crops, both directly and indirectly. Strong winds, heavy rains, and flooding not only impact physical infrastructure, but also damage crops through exposure to extreme conditions. Additionally, disruptions to water, electricity, and logistics complicate production efforts. This publication outlines common types of hurricane damage in…
  • Hurricane and Wind Damage to Trees and Shrubs in Nurseries (C 1149) Damage to perennial woody trees and shrubs caused by hurricanes or high wind events is often not initially apparent. In some cases, it can take months or even years to manifest, despite plants looking relatively healthy after initial inspection by growers and insurance adjustors. This publication describes common damage seen in perennial woody trees and shrubs after a hurricane or high wind event.
  • Hurricane Helene Impact Report (AP 133-1) We estimate that Hurricane Helene’s damages to Georgia agriculture and forestry will cost the state economy at least $5.5 billion in 2024 present value. This figure represents the sum of direct crop losses, losses to firms that support agriculture and forestry, losses to workers in those and related industries, and the recovery and restoration costs that firms in these industries will face. The Ge…
  • Spanish Series: Limpieza de Arboles Dañados por Tormentas (C 1199-SP) Los árboles son los que mas se dañan en las tormentas y son estos los mas peligrosos de limpiar. Los arboles dañados por tormentas están sujetos a una gran cantidad de peligros asociados con la tala de arboles y mucho, mucho mas. Las condiciones de trabajo pueden ser muy difíciles. Los arboles caídos se pueden enredar con otros arboles, o caerse en edificios, vehículos o alambres. La energía apres…
  • Storm Damaged Tree Cleanup (C 1199) Trees are often damaged in storms and can be extremely dangerous to clean up. Storm damaged trees are subject to all the perils associated with tree felling and much more. Working conditions may be difficult. Downed trees may be entangled in other trees, or tossed on buildings, vehicles, or wires. Energy stored in compressed limbs and trunks can be release suddenly, explosively, and fatally. Each …