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13 publications were found on Pollution-and-Contaminants
  • Be Aware of Your Indoor Air (C 2579) Did you know the air inside buildings is nearly always more polluted than outside air? Learn the types of indoor air pollution and what you can do. This publication was originally published by the LSU AgCenter and released for use in the state of Georgia by UGA Extension Housing & Environment Specialist Pamela Turner.
  • Conservation and Best Management Practices in Georgia: Implementing, Funding and Assistance (B 1335) Best Management Practices (BMPs) can be described as management and/or structural practices that are designed to reduce pollutants and erosion while increasing the quality of all life. The BMP concept deals specifically with nonpoint source pollution, such as runoff from agricultural fields, forest areas or urban areas. Best management practices are also voluntary in nature. Individual practices a…
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) (B 1242-7) Fecal contamination of water impacts many regions of the U.S. and may carry risks to human health. When a water body fails to meet water quality standards for fecal bacteria, the Federal Clean Water Act requires a Total Maximum Daily Load analysis to establish how many bacteria are in the water, the sources of bacteria and whether the contamination varies seasonally. If all the point sources of co…
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: Drinking Water Protection in Georgia (B 1242-5) Drinking water sources in Georgia (surface and ground water) can be contaminated by landfills and dumps, leaky septic tanks, urban runoff, industry and agricultural operations. The state of Georgia has implemented two programs designed to identify potential sources of pollution and protect drinking water sources.
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: Georgia's Water Quality Standards (B 1242-3) The Environmental Protection Division (GAEPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GADNR) is responsible for setting and enforcing water quality standards. The goals of establishing these standards are to “provide enhancement of water quality and prevention of pollution; to protect the public health or welfare in accordance with the public interest for drinking water supplies, conservat…
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: On-Site Wastewater Management Systems and Their Environmental Impact (B 1242-4) On-site wastewater treatment systems provide treatment and ultimate dispersal of wastewater from homes and small businesses. They usually consist of a septic tank, a drain field and the underlying soil. When properly designed, installed and maintained, they are an environmentally benign method to manage household wastewater.
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: Total Maximum Daily Loads in Georgia (B 1242-2) A total maximum daily load (TMDL) is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. This publication contains comprehensive information about total maximum daily loads in Georgia, including their importance and how to establish an implementation plan.
  • Environmental Water Quality Series: Urban Storm Water Management in Georgia (B 1242-6) Storm water is the runoff from land and impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots and building rooftops during rain events. It often contains pollutants such as nutrients, bacteria, sediment and metals that could adversely affect water quality.
  • Household Water Quality Series: Protecting Your Well and Wellhead (C858-1) If you are one of the many Americans who use groundwater for drinking, the proper protection of your well and wellhead is essential for the health of your family, yourself and your neighbors. This publication contains information about protecting your well and wellhead from contaminants.
  • Metal Concentration Standards for Land Application of Biosolids and Other By-Products in Georgia (B 1353) This bulletin provides the general public a quick reference for some commonly used standards for metal concentrations in biosolids and various by-products intended for land application. Most of the standards presented here are regulatory; however, we have also included information on average metal concentrations in agricultural soils.
  • PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (B 1577) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade chemicals that have been in use worldwide since 1940, primarily in industry and numerous commercial and consumer products. The widespread use of PFAS for the past several decades has raised concerns due to their persistence, bioaccumulative nature, and potential adverse health effects. This publication prov…
  • Practical Use and Application of the Poultry Carbon Footprint Calculation Tool (B 1443) The cumulative greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from any human activity are commonly referred to as the carbon footprint. The Poultry Carbon Footprint Calculation Tool was developed and designed specifically for poultry production farms. The tool can be used to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from pullet, breeder, and broiler grow-out farms. This publication provides an overview for pou…
  • Regulations for On-Farm Storage Tanks in Georgia (B 1136) This publication provides a brief overview of the major regulatory agencies and highlights the rules that Georgia farmers should be aware of concerning storage tanks on their farms.