Publications By Timothy Coolong
2013 Vegetable Crops Research Report (AP 113) This publication contains a report of research trials done on vegetable crops in Georgia in 2013.
2014 University of Georgia Vidalia Onion Extension and Research Report (AP 114) This publication is a report of 2012-2014 onion research variety trials and Extension activity at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
2014/2015 Vegetable Crop Variety Trial and Research Report (AP 115) This publication is a report of research and Cooperative Extension trials conducted on cole crops, beans and peas, sweet corn, cucurbits, peppers, and tomato at the University of Georgia College of Ag…
2019 Vidalia Onion Extension and Research Report (AP 114-1) This annual publication includes a report of 2018-19 onion research variety trials and Extension activity at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The report co…
2020 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-2) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2020. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
2021 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-3) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2021. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
2022 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-4) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2022. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
2022 Vidalia Onion Extension and Research Report (AP 114-3) This is an annual report highlighting research conducted during 2021 and 2022 for Vidalia onions. Research topics include: variety trials, irrigation and fertilizer strategies, sulfur content in soils…
2023 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-5) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2023. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
2024 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-6) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2024. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
An Introduction to Conservation Tillage for Vegetable Production (B 1539) Conservation tillage with agronomic crops (i.e., cotton, corn, soybeans, etc.) has been successful in Georgia production. Such production practices have several benefits, the most notable being the el…
An Introduction to Fiber Hemp Production in Georgia (C 1236) This publication is an introduction to growing industrial hemp for fiber production in Georgia. While not exhaustive, it outlines some of the major production challenges in growing this crop in the So…
An Introduction to Hemp Chemistry and Lab Results (C 1209) With the passage of the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) was declassified as a Schedule I drug and is now legal (with restrictions) for production in the United States. Hemp a…
An Introduction to Organic High Tunnel Tomato Production in Georgia and Florida: Horticultural Tactics (B 1552) This publication is an introduction to high tunnel production that focuses on horticulture aspects of organic tomato production. Diseases and insect pests are not covered, but high tunnel construction…
Cantaloupe and Specialty Melons (B 1179) This publication was compiled to meet the needs of the growing cantaloupe industry in Georgia. Its 10 chapters represent the latest information available on successful cantaloupe and specialty melon p…
Commercial Freeze Protection for Fruits and Vegetables (B 1479) Freeze protection efforts should be based on the type of freeze, temperature, and wind speed that is impacting your crop. To apply frost protection, consider your crop value, the freeze protection cap…
Commercial Okra Production (C 627) Okra is grown in every county in Georgia. Okra can be a profitable crop when recommended production practices are followed.
Commercial Production and Management of Cabbage and Leafy Greens (B 1181) The 11 topics covered in this publication are all integral parts of a successful cabbage/leafy greens management program. Each topic focuses on a particular aspect of production and provides informati…
Commercial Production and Management of Pumpkins and Gourds (B 1180) The seven topics covered in this publication are all integral parts of a successful pumpkin/gourd management program. Each topic is designed to focus on a particular aspect of production and provide t…
Commercial Production of Vegetable Transplants (B 1144) Producing greenhouse-grown containerized transplants is an increasingly popular way to establish vegetable crops. Compared to field-grown transplants, greenhouse transplants have several advantages. T…
Commercial Southern Pea Production (C 485) This horticulture publication is about the commercial production of southern peas.
Commercial Squash Production (C 527) Squash (Cucurbita spp.) is a member of the cucurbit family, which consists of a number of warm-season vegetables. Another broad group of squash called winter squash. Each group is classified into seve…
Commercial Tomato Production Handbook (B 1312) This publication is a joint effort of the seven disciplines that comprise the Georgia Vegetable Team. It is comprised of 14 topics on tomato, including history of tomato production, cultural practices…
Commercial Watermelon Production (B 996) Watermelon is a warm-season crop related to cantaloupe, squash, cucumber and pumpkin. Watermelons can be grown on any well-drained soil throughout Georgia but are particularly well adapted to the Coas…
Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application in Humid and Subhumid Areas (C 903) Subsurface drip irrigation is the practice of installing drip irrigation below the ground surface. This publication is designed to provide a brief introduction to the site selection, design, installat…
Constructing a Passive Solar Greenhouse for Season Extension (B 1566) This publication describes how a passive solar greenhouse was constructed using an earthen wall and water barrels for heat retention. The benefits and potential pitfalls of such a structure are discus…
Crop Profile for Cowpeas in Georgia (B 1480) Georgia ranks in the nation's top 10 in cowpea (southern pea, Vigna unguiculata) production, with estimates of more than 4,900 acres grown in approximately 49 of 159 counties in the state in the 2014 …
Dormant Spur and Cane Pruning Bunch Grapevines (B 1505) This bulletin is intended to provide to provide both veteran and new growers an overview of commercially popular pruning strategies and a greater depth of understanding of the theory behind pruning me…
Drip Chemigation: Injecting Fertilizer, Acid and Chlorine (B 1130) Drip irrigation is an important component of vegetable production systems in Georgia. Drip irrigation is more desirable than other irrigation methods for several reasons. Two important advantages are …
Drip Irrigation Checklist: Start-Up (C 1093) This publication reviews the critical items to address when starting a drip irrigation system that has been idle. This is important information for specialty crop producers and homeowners that have dr…
Drip Irrigation Checklist: Winterization (C 1094) This publication addresses winterization of a drip irrigation system. The circular includes information about winterization timing, components of a drip system, precautions to take when servicing a dr…
Extending the Growing Season for Lettuce in Georgia Using Shade Cloth and High Tunnels (C 1241) Georgia growers can reliably produce lettuce in shaded high tunnels to capitalize on summer markets. This publication is an overview of using shading to grow lettuce in a high tunnel during the summer…
Fresh Market Broccoli Production for Georgia (B 1460) Broccoli is grown throughout Georgia in both the fall and spring growing seasons. A locally significant wholesale industry developed in southwest Georgia, and acreage devoted to broccoli production ha…
Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon in Georgia (B 1485) Watermelon production faces many challenges in Georgia. The warm, humid climate favors numerous foliar diseases. Because of the long history of watermelon production in Georgia, soilborne diseases suc…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables (SB 28-34) Commercial insect and weed control in vegetables. Updated annually.
Hurricane Helene Impact Report (AP 133-1) We estimate that Hurricane Helene’s damages to Georgia agriculture and forestry will cost the state economy at least $5.5 billion in 2024 present value. This figure represents the sum of direct crop l…
Industrial Hemp Production in Georgia (B 1530) With the passage of the 2018 Agriculture Improvement Act (U.S. farm bill), the federal government removed industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) from the list of Schedule I drugs and opened up opportuni…
Onion Production Guide (B 1198) This publication represents the latest information available on the commercial production of short-day onions in south Georgia.
Organic Vidalia Onion Production (C 913) This publication discusses organic Vidalia onion production in Georgia, from site selection and harvesting to certification.
Principles of Irrigation and Scheduling for Vegetable Crops in Georgia (B 1511) This bulletin contains guidelines to determine irrigation scheduling for vegetable production in Georgia. Irrigation scheduling varies with water management and growers may require different technolog…
Production and Management of Garlic, Elephant Garlic and Leek (C 852) This publication discusses how garlic, elephant garlic and leek can be grown successfully in South Georgia.
Shallow Subsurface Drip Irrigation: A Tool for Organic Vegetable Growers (B 1564) This publication highlights some of the ongoing research into using SSDI in organic vegetable crop production. SSDI facilitates cultivation without harming drip tubing and limits surface soil wetting,…
Shipper Sweet Corn in Southern Georgia (B 1549) Summarizes shipper sweet corn production in southern Georgia.
Sweet Potato Production and Pest Management in Georgia (B 1489) Sweet potatoes are members of the Convolvulaceae family, which includes morning glory. They are native to tropical America and are a perennial plant there. In more temperate regions such as the United…
Variety Selection and Seed Saving for Organic Growers (B 1486) This publication provides information on variety types, suggested vegetable varieties for organic production, and steps to saving your own seed. Organic farming and vegetable production are becoming …
Vineyard Canopy Management: Shoot Thinning (C 1152) Shoot thinning is the first seasonal canopy management practice in wine grape vineyards, but shoot thinning is not implemented in muscadine vineyards. Failure to shoot thin results in a highly congest…
Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Brassica Crops (C 1169) This publication is the second in a series focusing on irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops. It contains basic guidance on water use and irrigation management for Brassica crops such as cabbage, …
Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Watermelon (Citrullis lanatus) (C 1183) This circular contains the fundamentals of watermelon irrigation scheduling using the crop water demand method. Decisions regarding the timing, frequency, and amount of water required for a crop are s…
Weights and Processed Yields of Fruits and Vegetables (C 780) Marketing fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets, roadside markets, and pick-your-own farms is an important and growing method of marketing. However, many of the containers used are not practi…
What’s Wrong with My Pepper? Common Defects of Bell Peppers Explained (C 1306) Various physiological disorders can affect the appearance and desirability of fresh market bell peppers; these often arise from environmental stresses and nutritional imbalances. Understanding these p…
Whitefly-Transmitted Plant Viruses in South Georgia (B 1507) The silverleaf whitefly (SLWF), Bemisia tabaci, (also known as sweet potato whitefly) is a pest of a wide variety of horticultural and agronomic crops in southern Georgia. Adults and nymphs (Figure 1)…
Timothy Coolong
Interim ANR Leader, Assistant Dean for Extension | Professor, Extension Specialist, Emphasis: Vegetable
Extension Profile