UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

Master Gardener Program

Become a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer

Thanks so very much for your interest in our Master Gardener Extension Volunteer (MGEV) program!

Overall, the program involves 42 hours of classroom learning and additional laboratory exercises. There is a mid-term and a final exam required to pass for the first part of the training. Once this part of the program is completed, you must complete fifty volunteer hours in various projects before becoming a certified MGEV. Our MGEV program is based on volunteerism and education to the county homeowners and is not the typical garden club. The application process includes a fee with a formal application which requires references and a background investigation.

Our 2024 MGEV interns have been selected and are currently completing training.

If you are interested in the MGEV program, please contact our Extension office to be added to our interest list. The next MGEV class may take place  in 2026. If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Master Gardener Extension Volunteers bring the latest horticultural information and practices from the world of scientific research to their communities' landscapes and gardens.

Through this program, individuals are trained and certified in horticulture and related areas. These individuals, in turn, volunteer their expertise and services, under the direction of their County Extension Agent, to assist others through horticultural projects that benefit the community.

If you enjoy educating and giving back to your community, you may want to consider becoming a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer.


Click here to connect to the Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer home page to discover:

  • How to become a MGEV
  • Program Criteria
  • MGEV Projects