UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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UGA Extension Office

MGEV Projects

Fayette County is blessed to have several dedicated and determined Master Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEVs) who lead by example. They provide programs throughout the year, but they also have taken on a couple special projects that benefit not only those in Fayette County, but also several in the surrounding region.

Plant A Row for the Hungry Garden

Sign in a garden that says Plant a Row for the Hungry with Garden Writers Association of America and HGTV logos below it

Volunteers work in a garden surrounded by lush foliageThis project, which began with Master Gardener Extension Volunteers planting an additional row in their own personal gardens, now maintains a one-acre plot near the New Hope Baptist Church. From this space, they are able to provide fresh produce to various community service organization through out Fayette County and the surrounding area.




Education Garden

The Fayette Education Garden is a wonderful way to continue the mission of the University of Georgia by providing a hands-on Demonstration Garden to further community outreach and education.  This garden will be the location of many educational classes and tours to give citizens ideas and instructions on proper gardening practices and techniques. It will be utilized by both youth and adults with maintenance and classes provided by Master Gardener Extension Volunteers.



Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial at Patriot Park will remember and honor the over 400 Fayette County Residents who served and paid the ultimate price to protect our freedom. The design of the memorial includes a 10 foot obelisk made of granite with engraved emblems of each branch of our military. MGEVs designed the landscaping around the monument. An educational workday was held to instruct on proper tree and shrub planting procedures. Beautiful specimen trees were installed through a generous grant from an anonymous donor given to the Extension Office. Informational signs about the trees will be installed to add an educational component along park paths. A pollinator garden will be implemented at Patriot Park in the future. 

Monarch Butterfly & Pollinator Trail

The Pollinator Trail is a series of pollinator gardens throughout Fayette County planted and maintained by the Fayette County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. 

The 4-H Monarch Movement project is the youth component of the effort by the University of Georgia Fayette County Extension Office and Master Gardener Extension Volunteers to create a Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Trail in Fayette County. This 4-H project is meant to provide education for the youth involved through monthly meetings and hands-on activities. It also helps promote awareness about the drastic decline in the monarch butterfly population due to the loss of milkweed, the only plant that can nourish the growing caterpillars after the monarch lays its eggs.

In November 2017, the 4-H participants planted seeds in the greenhouse located in the old Fayette County High School and in the spring of 2018 they transferred the seedlings to a special 4-H garden at the Veterans Memorial in Patriot Park. Each year new 4-H members will add native nectar-producing plants to this garden to attract the monarch and other pollinators.

The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society.