UGA Extension Office

2025 Summer Camp

New Camp Payment Plan!

Stay tuned as we will be releasing a payment plan for all state camps starting in the Fall this year! This will allow parents/guardians a longer period to pay off camp fees, and you will be awarded a camp certificate to give your child for the holidays!

Example: Pay $200 towards camp dues by December 15th to guarantee a spot at Cloverleaf Camp for the summer of 2025! Make additional payments  at your convenience but pay the balance off by a specified due date (to be determined).

We will not know the exact price of camp until December/January when the prices are published, however you will have a price range of how much the camp will cost. With this plan, you would be able to get a refund until the official down deposit is sent to the state some time in February. If the final cost is too much, you could be refunded the $200 deposit you've put down.

More details coming soon.