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Growing communities and a better Georgia from the ground up.

The Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer (MGEV) Program connects UGA Extension, plant enthusiasts, and communities across the state. MGEVs share UGA Extension consumer horticulture programming about selection and care of plants for ornamental value, recreation, and home food production. Master Gardeners teach community members how to use plants and gardening to improve their environment, personal health, and quality of life.


Master Gardener Merch

Extension News
Science and Ag Hill
Science and Ag Hill The University of Georgia held a dedication ceremony on Oct. 30 to celebrate the completion of the first phase of renovations to modernize research and instruction facilities and infrastructure on UGA’s Science and Ag Hill. By James Hataway | Published: 11/1/2024
Scratching the Surface
Scratching the Surface Researchers in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are studying how pastured and free-range chickens impact ecosystems on integrated crop-livestock farms. By Maria M. Lameiras | Published: 10/31/2024

Upcoming Events

Nov 6 Meet Me In The Garden Brunswick, GA Please join the Glynn County Master Gardener Volunteers at the Madge Merritt 4-H Teaching Garden! On the first Saturday of each month, they will host a brief educational presentation, tours of the research plots, and field any questions that you may have about your own lawn and garden! Bring along pictures to help them see the issues you are facing. If you have any questions, you may reach out to 912-554-7577 or Topics will be updated as they are assigned. May change throughout. Follow our Facebook event page to stay up-to-date
Nov 7 Irrigation: Don’t get Hosed! Know the Pros and Cons Irrigation plays a crucial role in garden health and productivity. Proper watering ensures that plants receive consistent moisture for growth, flowering, and fruit production without causing root rot and other issues. Let Lisa Klein share the best management practices of irrigation in your home landscape. This webinar provides 1 hour of continuing education credit toward the 10 hours that MGEVs are required to complete each year.
Nov 9 Fayette County Extension Youth Garden Club Fayetteville, GA Join us for our monthly garden club on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Youth will be exploring the outdoors through hands-on activities in our education garden. Ages: 2nd-5th grade

From Our Blog

2024 Award of Excellence Given at GMGA Conference Posted by sdorn on Oct 9, 2024
One of the highlights of the annual GMGA conference is finding out who was selected for the Award of Excellence! This special selection is made by GMGA and accompanied by a beautiful plaque and cash prize to a very deserving individual who coordinates a county MGEV program. I am not being flippant when I say […]
45th Anniversary Commemorative Quilt Project Posted by sarahdh on Oct 8, 2024
In a March 2019 call to volunteers, State Coordinator Sheri Dorn began a project that has been long in the making. A Trellis blog post began, “Ever noticed that our gardens are reflective of the people, trips, events, and celebrations that are important to us? The plants in our gardens are much like pieces of […]
Let’s go shopping! Posted by sarahdh on Sep 24, 2024
Have you heard the exciting news?! The Master Gardener Statewide store is live and ready for shopping with branded apparel and accessories! That’s right, order exclusive Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program merchandise of your choice online and enjoy quick shipping directly to your home! Review the instructions on the ordering homepage and fill your cart […]