Publications By Bodie V. Pennisi
A Guide for Commercial Production of Vinca (B 1219) Vinca is a specialty ornamental crop with very distinct requirements. This bulletin will address those requirements and cover a typical production schedule and crop budget.
Care of Holiday and Gift Plants (C 951) Flowering and foliage plants can make welcome gifts. How long they remain attractive may be directly related to the care and handling they are given. This publication describes ways to properly care f…
Care of Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 1065) Most established ornamental plants in the landscape require care to stay healthy and attractive. Regular fertilization, pruning, watering, mulching and pest control are all part of a good landscape ma…
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2015's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-3) This publication showcases the plants that were awarded the “Classic City Award” in 2015.
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2016's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-4) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Garden…
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2017's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-5) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Garden…
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2018's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-6) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Garden…
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2019's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-7) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Garden…
Classic City Garden Awards Series: 2020's Best New Plants from the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia (AP 116-8) New ornamentals have long been considered the lifeblood of the green industry. This publication contains recommendations for best-performing new annuals based on research conducted at the Trial Garden…
Composting and Mulching (C 816) This publication explains how to build, maintain a compost pile as well as how to use compost and mulch in the yard and garden.
Composting: Recycling Landscape Trimmings (C 981) Citizens throughout Georgia are recycling newspaper, cans, glass and plastic in an effort to divert these materials from the waste stream. Another important part of waste reduction involves recycling …
Consumer Horticulture Series: Consumer Horticulture Benefits our Environment (C 1215) Consumer horticulture is the cultivation, use, and enjoyment of plants, gardens, landscapes, and related horticultural items to the benefit of individuals, communities, and the environment. These acti…
Conversion Tables, Formulas and Suggested Guidelines for Horticultural Use (B 931) Pesticide and fertilizer recommendations are often made on a pounds per acre and tons per acre basis. While these may be applicable to field production of many crops, orchardists, nurserymen and green…
Crape Myrtle Culture (C 944) Crape myrtle is one of the most useful flowering shrubs/trees grown in Georgia. It provides abundant summer color with a minimum of maintenance.
Dahlias (C 576) Dahlias are among the most spectacular flowers you can grow in your garden. Hundreds of varieties are available, with flower sizes ranging from 1 to 14 inches in diameter. Almost any color except true…
Diagnostics System for Crop History and Disorders in Greenhouses and Nurseries (B 1273) This diagnostic system is designed as a tool to assist growers, Extension specialists and county agents to diagnose problems with ornamental crops. The document consists of six major sections and five…
Eco-Friendly Garden: Attracting Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, and Other Natural Predators (B 1456) A pollinator-friendly and ecologically sustainable garden is both beautiful and able to attract and sustain beneficial insects, reducing the need for pesticides. This publication is based on new resea…
Effects of Low Temperature on Plants (B 1467) Temperatures affects plant growth and distribution. This publication explains how low temperatures (chilling and freezing) affect plant growth in production greenhouses, nurseries, and landscapes. The…
Essential pH Management in Greenhouse Crops: pH and Plant Nutrition (B 1256) Your goal as a greenhouse grower is to maintain a stable pH over the life of the crop. This is not an easy task since many factors can affect pH in the growing substrate. The pH can go up or down with…
Fertilizer Injectors: Selection, Maintenance and Calibration (B 1237) Fertilizer injectors are devices used to apply water-soluble fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators, wetting agents and mineral acids during crop production. They are a vital part of modern …
Flowering Annuals for Georgia Gardens (B 954) Annuals are the mainstay color plant of many home gardens. They are also used in increasingly large numbers in commercial and municipal landscapes because they provide landscape color in a very short …
Flowering Bulbs for Georgia Gardens (B 918) A wide variety of bulbs grow well in Georgia. Most are grown for their flowers and some for their foliage. They are grown as pot plants, in shrub borders, naturalistic plantings and in mass displays. …
Flowering Perennials for Georgia Gardens (B 944) This publication is devoted specifically to covering everything you need to know about growing herbaceous perennials, primarily to those that persist from crowns and/or fleshy roots.
Foliage Products: An Opportunity for the Georgia Ornamental Industry (B 1262) The majority of the plants used for interior decoration are considered “foliage plants” because of the highly decorative value of their leaves. Most of them originated in tropical and subtropical area…
Gardening in Containers (C 787) Growing plants in containers differs from growing plants in the ground. Poorly drained potting mixture can lead to root problems. Under conditions of excess moisture and poor aeration, roots become st…
Gardening in Containers Using Tropical Plants (B 1338) Container gardening has enjoyed an increased popularity in the last decade. With increased urbanization, container gardens have come to the rescue to brighten up patios and balconies. This publication…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Ornamentals (SB 28-23) Commercial insect and weed control in ornamentals. Updated annually.
Geraniums (B 790) Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants grown in the United States. They are easy to grow and can be used in many types of gardens, such as ground beds, planter boxes, hanging baskets an…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Irrigation and Technology Assessment (B 1275) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with fa…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Management Assessment (B 1276) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with fa…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Quality Assessment (B 1277) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with fa…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Recycling and Water Reuse Assessment (B 1278) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with fa…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Source Use and Expansion Assessment (B 1274) The Greenhouse*A*Syst publication Series has been developed to assist greenhouse owners with the task of assessing three management issues: Water management, Environmental Risk and Business Profitabil…
Greenhouse*A*Syst Series: Water Use Regulation, Legislative Awareness and Company Water Policy Assessment (B 1279) The Greenhouse*A*Syst series of publications is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your greenhouse business for risks associated with water management issues. Armed with fa…
Ground Covers (C 928) Ground covers have many practical uses. Some can be used to control erosion when planted on slopes or banks. Others are effective lawn substitutes in areas that are too shady to support the growth of …
Ground Covers for Shaded Landscapes in North Georgia (C 1238) This circular discusses the most common ground covers, both native and non-native plants, that are suitable for culture in North Georgia landscapes in shaded areas.
Growing African Violets (C 660) African violets are now among the most popular indoor plants. They are easy to grow and offer a wealth of beautiful flowers.
Growing Bamboo in Georgia (B 1357) This booklet is written in an attempt to filter through much of the available information and make a simple, user-friendly information guide on growing bamboo in Georgia, which has a wide variety of s…
Growing Dogwoods (C 900) One of the most widely planted ornamental trees in Georgia is the flowering dogwood. Dogwoods are not difficult to grow if they are located in the proper site and if healthy trees are purchased and pl…
Growing Ferns (B 737) Ferns became popular indoor plants during the Victorian Era. Today, they are used as specimens in atriums, greenhouses and conservatories, and we find them in the smallest apartments and the largest h…
Growing Indoor Plants with Success (B 1318) Interior plants are an ideal way to create attractive and restful settings while enhancing our sense of well being. In addition, houseplants can be a satisfying hobby and can help purify the air in ou…
Hort Management: For Landscape Managers (B 1261) HORT Management is an allied program for estimating landscape management costs. This program assists the user in estimating labor, material and equipment costs on a particular job, a break-even price,…
Hort Scape: For Landscape Installers (B 1317) Hort Scape streamlines the bidding process once the user builds a coded database of plants, including common and botanical names, plant sizes, plant costs, and per plant installation costs. Then, usin…
Is My Tree Dying? (C 1100) This publication outlines a tree inspection process that will help the homeowner identity potential problems and more effectively discuss the tree's condition with an Extension agent or certified arbo…
Landscape Basics: Color Theory (B 1396) This publication explores color relationships in the landscape, ways of seeing plants in terms of color, and various ways to use color successfully in plant selection and landscape design and composit…
Landscape Basics: Crop Rotation and Cultural Practices Help Reduce Diseases in Seasonal Color Beds (B 1423) Landscape professionals must consider many factors when choosing the right flowering annuals to plant for a particular location. Primary considerations include high visual impact, consistent bloom for…
Landscape Basics: Designing a Quality Control Program for Your Company (B 1420) Well-groomed landscapes are often a result of considerable effort by landscape companies. Employees make them happen with routine care and, above all, attention to detail. A quality landscape and the …
Landscape Basics: Success with Herbaceous Perennials (B 1424) Whether in a commercial installation or residential garden, perennial plants can be successfully used to offer more landscaping choices, distinguish your firm from the competition and create a niche f…
Managing Organic Refuse: Options for Green Industry Professionals (C 982) This publication explains some of the options available to Green Industry professionals for dealing with these organic materials.
Mite Vector of Rose Rosette Virus (C 1176) Rose rosette virus vectored by eriophyid mites can cause major problems for nurseries, landscapers, and gardeners alike. The spread of this mite and virus can cause serious damage to plants, decreasin…
Native Plants for Georgia Part I: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines (B 987) This publication focuses on native trees, shrubs and woody vines for Georgia. It is not our intent to describe all native species — just those available in the nursery trade and those that the authors…
Native Plants for Georgia Part II: Ferns (B 987-2) There are about 12,000 species of ferns in the world today. Most are found in the tropics. Currently, Georgia is home to 36 genera, 119 species and 12 hybrid ferns. The list is constantly expanding as…
Native Plants for Georgia Part III: Wildflowers (B 987-3) This publication is a comprehensive guide to growing and identifying native wildflowers suitable for planting in Georgia. The term “wildflower” in this publication is a general term used to define bot…
Native Plants for Georgia Part IV: Grasses and Sedges (B 987-4) This publication describes and illustrates 48 grasses and 10 sedges native to Georgia. It is not the intent of the authors to describe all native grasses and sedges, but those that are most widespread…
Native Plants of North Georgia: A Photo Guide for Plant Enthusiasts (B 1339) This publication is intended to be a quick guide for plant enthusiasts of North Georgia. Each plant listing is accompanied by a photograph and a brief plant description. The description contains the c…
Native Plants, Drought Tolerance, and Pest Resistance (C 1122) Native plants are a great choice for Georgia landscapes. They provide food and habitat for native insects, birds, and other creatures and allow the gardeners to support local ecosystems. They are well…
Natural Enemies of Pests in the Southeast Blueberry Systems of Georgia (B 1562) Blueberries are becoming the state fruit of Georgia with considerable acreage planted. Blueberries have many pest challenges and a current invasive pest challenge from spotted wing drosophilia (SWD). …
New Native Little Bluestems (C 1081) Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is a drought tolerant, low maintenance native plant. This ornamental, warm season perennial grass tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and is easily grow…
New Trial Tropical Container Gardens (B 1361) With increased urbanization, container gardens continue to enjoy popularity and brighten up patios and balconies. For many reasons, tropical plants have become a staple in container gardens traditiona…
Pampas Grass (C 983) Pampas grass is a large perennial grass native to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Mature plants can reach 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide. In late summer, silvery-white plumes rise several feet above the f…
Plant Propagation for the Home Garden Series: Starting Plants From Seed for the Home Gardener (B 1432) A number of plants, particularly vegetables, annuals, and herbs, can be grown from seed. There are many advantages to propagating plants from seed. This publication provides information on seed select…
Professional Grounds Management Calendar (C 802) This publication is a monthly guide for professional managers of commercial, recreational, municipal, institutional or private grounds in Georgia.
Pruning Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 961) This publication provides guidelines for proper pruning that may help assure healthy vigorous plants and lasting landscape beauty. First, we'll discuss the three basic Ts for successful pruning: tools…
Rain Gardens in Home Landscapes (EB 101) This publication includes three parts. Part 1 discusses stormwater as a pollution source for streams and water bodies, and provides a background on why rain gardens in our landscapes have great enviro…
Repotting Basics (C 1240) This publication describes the reasoning behind repotting, as well as container selection, drainage, positioning the plant on an appropriate soil base, examining and attending to root issues, potentia…
Selecting and Growing Azaleas (B 670) Azaleas' vivid colors, profusion of flowers and adaptability to a wide range of soils and climates make them one of the most popular flowering shrubs in Georgia. Although most people associate azaleas…
Selecting Salt-Tolerant Native Trees for the Georgia Coast (B 1477) This publication explains the different sources of salt in the soil, the effects of high salt and salinity in plants, measurements of salinity in soils and water, and a list of salt-tolerant native tr…
Selecting Trees and Shrubs as Resources for Pollinators (B 1483) We can positively affect pollinator populations in our region by providing plants that help sustain them. Pollinators face the increasing challenges of habitat loss, parasite and disease pressure, and…
Shade Trees for Georgia (C 1013) Shade trees are a staple of Southern landscapes and include a variety of species, forms and seasonal appeal. In the Southeastern U.S., shade trees are used most often to provide relief from the summer…
Spanish Series: Guía Visual de las Abejas Comunes de los Campos de Arándanos en el sureste de Georgia (C 1295-SP) Autor adicional: Michael Ulyshen, entomólogo investigador, Servicio Forestal de EE. UU. Esta guía muestra las abejas silvestres más comunes de las plantaciones de arándanos en el sur de Georgia. El ma…
Starting Plants From Cuttings for the Home Gardener (B 1553) This publication shows home gardeners how to propagate many of their favorite landscape plants from cuttings at a home garden scale, using tools and resources available to them.
Success with Mixed Containers Using Perennial and Woody Plants (B 1418) This publication offers information on types of plants suitable for mixed containers, with an emphasis on perennial and woody species and cultivars, as well as aesthetic qualities, cultural conditions…
Success with Pansies in the Winter Landscape: A Guide for Landscape Professionals (B 1359) This publication provides guidelines for the planting and care of pansies to ensure success, including planting time, bed preparation, plant spacing, planting procedures, fertilization, freeze protect…
The New and Improved Chaste Tree (C 1076) Chaste tree (genus Vitex) is an ornamental with many desirable qualities for the urban landscape. It is a deciduous shrub to small tree proffering violet flowers, which are a magnet for pollinators, f…
Think Outside the Boxwood: Alternative Plants for Gardens and Landscapes (C 1107) Since 2014, boxwood blight has been steadily spreading throughout Georgia landscapes and threatening large and economically important boxwood plantings. This publication provides alternative plants to…
Tips for Saving Water in the Landscape (C 1010) Research has shown that a landscape that has been carefully planned and installed and properly managed will be healthier, less prone to insects and diseases, and will require less irrigation. Georgia'…
Tropical Plants Offer New Possibilities for Georgia Gardens (B 1272) The goals of these investigations were to achieve an aesthetically pleasing landscape while experimenting with mixing various plant habits, leaf textures and colors, and even flowers, and to raise con…
Visual Guide to Common Bees of Blueberry Fields in Southeast Georgia (C 1295) Additional author: Michael Ulyshen, Research Entomologist, U.S. Forest Service. This visual guide helps people identify common wild bees encountered in blueberry systems. The contribution of wild bees…
Visual Guide to Common Wild Bees in Apple Orchards in North Georgia (C 1324) Wild bees are effective pollinators of crops and native flowers, shrubs, and trees. They are naturally present and can supplement honey bees in apple pollination. Boosting their numbers by habitat dev…
Visual Guide to Common Wildflowers of South Georgia (C 1288) Wildflowers not only beautify the landscape but also provide food and shelter for myriad insects, birds, and mammals. Georgia is rich in endemic (belonging in a particular area or environment) species…
Water-Wise Landscape Guide for the Georgia Piedmont (B 1444) Do you want a landscape that is beautiful, saves you time, effort and money and uses less water? If you do, a water-wise landscape is for you. Water-wise landscapes are designed, organized, and mainta…
What’s Your Flavor? Bee Preferences for Crape Myrtle Cultivars (C 1185) Crape myrtles, Lagerstroemia spp., are popular landscape shrubs and small trees. Native to China, Japan, and Korea southward to Oceania, crape myrtles have been cultivated in the U.S. for more than 17…
Bodie V. Pennisi
Vincent J. Dooley Professorship in Horticulture; Emphasis: Commercial & sustainable landscape; pollinators
Extension Profile