UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Continuing Education

native plants in the greenhouse, watering plants, and seeds

Continuing education (CE) is informal instruction on a gardening or related topic.

It keeps the MGEV informed and knowledgeable about the latest gardening topics and research. Continuing education tends to be informal education events, such as an organized class, workshop, or seminar, where the MGEV is the student. Appropriate events should have some structure, like a speaker, defined time and place, and a specific topic.

Examples include presentations given by speakers at the meetings of horticultural organizations, including MGEV organizations; national and international conferences; Extension workshops and presentations; and classes at Georgia public gardens.

There are lots of opportunities to acquire continuing education. Some topics are specific to the MGEV role. Some topics are more horticulturally focused, like how to prune Japanese maples, the “good bugs/bad bugs” series, or presentations about conifers. Other training topics may be more specific to the MGEV role, such as how to use MGLOG or about risk management training for working with youth. All of these topics are legitimate for expanding the MGEV knowledge base and staying up-to-date.

MGEVs are required to complete at least 10 hours of continuing education each year and report it within MGLOG. It is the responsibility of the individual to accurately and punctually report training hours within MGLOG. Attendance at events where the MGEV is the student should not be reported as volunteer service.

Be sure to regularly record your continuing education in MGLOG. Instructions for recording continuing education are included on the MGLOG Resources page.

Thoughtful Thursdays: a monthly webinar series for GA MGEVs brought to you by the State Program Office

During our monthly webinar (usually the second Thursday from 2-2:30 pm), UGA specialists share updates on a variety of horticulture topics with MGEVs. We use Zoom for these sessions so MGEVs, trainees, Extension agents and staff can join in wherever they are in the state. MGEVs, we hope you are able to join in for this year's Thoughtful Thursday sessions. If you can’t attend the live sessions, be sure to catch the recordings through your MGLOG profile. Then, make sure you record this continuing education opportunity in MGLOG. These 30 minute sessions are entered as 0.50 hours of CE. Be sure to include the 0 before the decimal point so that the system saves the entry correctly.

2025 Topics:

  • February – Georgia Weather Update
  • March  – Spring Turf Update
  • April – How to Teach Others About Floral Design
  • May – Sustainable Landscapes
  • June - Controlled Environment Horticulture Research
  • July - New MGEV Program Efforts
  • August - Ornamental Plant Breeding
  • September - Trees in Georgia
  • October - Fall Turfgrass Update
  • November - Preparing for the End of the Year (MGLOG Tips)

Thoughtful Thursdays 2025 Series event date list