Celebrating Our 45th

This year, 2024, marks the 45th birthday of the Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program, and we’re taking time to celebrate. We take birthdays pretty seriously around here!
We concluded our celebrations in October with the GMGA annual conference in Griffin on October 4-5, 2024. Hosted by the Henry County MGEVs, this event was a big hit! Friday preconference tours highlighted UGA Griffin research, while Saturday’s sessions focused on the theme, “Think Globally, Grow Locally.” Learn more about the conference through the GMGA webpage.
In June, we had a very special celebration that highlighted MGEV demonstration gardens! Check out the video below for your own garden tour! During the entire month of June, we hosted Open Garden Days. Twelve counties volunteered to open their demonstration gardens to the public and offered special events, like guided tours, speakers, and workshops. While many MGEV demonstration gardens are already listed on our Visit A Garden webpage, we created a digital comprehensive garden guide that outlined all the details of the many special events at gardens around the state in June. This guide can be downloaded and printed. Visitors were encouraged to check out as many of the gardens as possible, and special prizes were sent those who visited the most gardens!
Before we dug into garden celebrations, we began our festivities with a visit to Georgia’s capitol on February 20, 2024. Along with members of the Georgia Green Industry Association and UGA Horticulture Club undergrad students, MGEVs from Coweta County helped distribute 500 potted ferns and informational packets with basil seeds to legislators’ offices. Representative Lynn Smith gave a shout out to Georgia MGEVs, reading a resolution that recognized MGEVs for their outstanding efforts that they contribute to Extension’s programming. We shared more in this post. Many thanks to the Georgia Master Gardener Association for sponsoring these basil seed kits!
Celebrations continued in April as we joined in the nationwide celebration of volunteerism during Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 21-27, 2024). A special article is published on the UGA CAES Newswire, sharing the accomplishments of all volunteers who support programming in Extension. MGEVs were recognized all week in our social media with highlights of specific projects and people. Check out our social media outlets for more Volunteer Appreciation Week posts! We had a virtual celebration packed with pictures, stories, shout-outs, and way-to-goes. You might just recognize a face or two! If you don't use social media, head to our Trellis Blog for the same content.
Georgia MGEVs are unique individuals who use their enthusiasm about plants and gardening to support UGA Extension programming in consumer horticulture. We are excited to continue to celebrate their great work and accomplishments!