4-H Youth Development
Enroll in Upson County 4-H TODAY!
Upcoming activity and program information can be found on the "Newsletters" page.
Welcome to Upson County 4-H!
Did you know that 4-H Membership is FREE?
Any youth, K-12th grade, who either lives in Upson County or attends school in Upson County is eligible to be a member of Upson County 4-H.
To enroll in 4-H you just need to come by our office to complete the following forms:
- 4-H Enrollment Form
- Code of Conduct
- Medical Information and Release Form
You can sign up for programs by calling 706-647-8989 or come by the Upson County Extension Office: 305 South Hightower Street, Suite 170.
What is 4-H?
4-H is America’s largest youth development organization—empowering nearly six million young people across the U.S. with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
In 4‑H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.
Upson County 4-H is a program of the University of Georgia Extension in collaboration with Upson County (county government).
4-H Mission
The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. This mission is accomplished, through "hands on" learning experiences, focused on STEAM & Agriculture, Healthy Living, and Citizenship.
4-H stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health. You can learn more about this by clicking the image below.

Follow us on Social Media!
Like and follow our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Channel by clicking the icons below. Our Facebook page is a great place to find information about our upcoming events.
If you want to get Upson 4-H news emailed directly, sign up for our listserv by calling the office 706-647-8989 or emailing upson.extension@uga.edu
These forms must be completed when joining 4-H.
Forms are also availabe at the 4-H Office.
Check out the Menu on the left to learn more about the programs we offer.
Georgia 4-H Links
Below are some of 4-H's most broadly useful resources from the Georgia 4-H website. Please contact us for more information about participating in any of these programs through this county office.
4-H Resources