UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

UGA Extension Office

County Contests


We offer a variety of county contests throughout the year.

  • MilkMake (March)
  • No-Carve Pumpking Decorating Contest (October)
  • Peanutrition (November)


MilkMake Contest

March 25, 2025

In this contest, 4-H'ers in grades 2-12 will learn more about the nutritional value of milk while creating recipes including milkshakes and smoothies.

Milk and ice cream are provided.
Bring your written recipe and extra ingredients.

Call to register 706-647-8989


Each October, 4-H has a
No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Contest!

Test your creativity!
Design and decorate a pumpkin this Halloween.

The rules:
No carving.
No puncturing.
Pumpkins with broken skin will be thrown away immediately.
No inapproriate or suggestive language.
No political or religious affiliations.
Turn it in by the deadline.
Pick it up when the contest is over.
Left-over pumpkins will be thrown away.

Contest location:
4-H Office, 305 S. Hightower St., Suite 170
Call 706-647-8989 for more information.


4-H "Peanutrition" Contest
(Annually in November)

Each participant will submit a recipe of his/her favorite peanut snack. Recipe cards are available at the 4-H office.

Open to students 4th - 12th grade.

Sign up by calling the 4-H office at 706-647-8989.

Participants must bring their written recipe and pre-made samples for judges to taste.

Recipes will be judged on:

  • nutrition, appeal, creativity, recipe presentation, recipe content, and taste.
  • The recipe must include peanuts of any kind, peanut butter, or any peanut products (candy, etc.).

This tasty, annual contest is held at the Upson County 4-H Office, located at 305 South Hightower Street, Suite 170, in Thomaston.