Volunteer Information
- Georgia 4-H Website: https://georgia4h.org/get-involved/volunteer/
- Online Volunteer Application: https://secure.georgia4h.org/enrollment/apply?Office_ID=274&volunteertype_id=1
If you would like to become a 4-H Volunteer, please contact the McIntosh County 4-H agent, Lauryn Gilmer, and complete the online volunteer application. We'd love to learn about your areas of expertise and which club or events you are interested in leading.
A background check and two reference recommendations are required. All 4-H volunteers must complete Risk Management Training. The online training ‘Georgia 4-H: Working with Youth Managing Risk’ is available online and is required annually for all adults who supervise youth in 4-H programs. This training is designed to help our volunteers better understand the role of 4-H and Cooperative Extension, the fundamentals of 4-H and youth development, and the appropriate practices and protocols for working with youth. The online training is approximately 20 minutes in length and can be completed at your home or another computer. You do need internet capability and a speaker and will conclude with a review/quiz of the material. You will receive the link by email after we process your application.
Please call 912-437-6651 or email lauryn.gilmer@uga.edu for more information.
UGA Extension/4-H McIntosh County is hiring! We are seeking a Part-time 4-H Program Assistant to join our amazing county team.
For more details and to apply: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/399546