4-H Youth Development
General Info
What is 4-H?
4-H is a YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM for 4th through 12th graders.
We are part of University of Georgia Extension in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 4-H helps young people acquire knowledge, develop life skills, and form attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society through "hands-on" learning experiences.
The 4-H motto is "To make the best better!"
4-H provides local specialty clubs (on ANY topic!), statewide competitive teams and events (in agriculture, life skills, performing arts, and more), community service opportunities, summer camps, STEM activities, and fun field trips - all focused on kids learning by doing and working to fulfill the 4-H pledge:
4-H Levels:
Cloverleaf: 4th-6th graders
Junior: 7th-8th graders
Senior: 9th-12th graders
Below are some of 4-H's most broadly useful resources from the Georgia 4-H website. Please contact us for more information about participating in any of these programs through this county office.
4-H Resources