UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Story in Brief

Metribuzin is a soybean herbicide that possesses a triazine mode of action. The UGA Extension agent in Colquitt County was involved in a three-year research project evaluating the potential of metribuzin applications for the management of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth after corn and other fallow field situations. It is critical to prevent Palmer amaranth from going to seed after corn harvest because the female Palmer amaranth plant can produce between 400,000 to 500,000 seed per plant. A residual herbicide can be an effective tool in preventing emergence after harvest. The results of this research are expected to change the current metribuzin label during 2020, providing Georgia growers another tool to manage the Palmer amaranth seed bank after corn is harvested and the year before planting cotton. According to Georgia Ag Statistics, in 2019 Georgia growers planted 395,000 acres of corn and 1.4 million acres of cotton. If an updated label is obtained, growers are expected to reduce hand weeding costs by $4 an acre in their cotton crop after corn, which could potentially save nearly $1.6 million.

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