UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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Among the fastest growing segments of Georgia agriculture, landscaping and lawn care are important ways to add to and maintain a home's value. UGA Extension provides advice about caring for and protecting lawns and landscapes from pests and disease, and helps both homeowners and lawncare professionals ensure that their grass is always greener.

Our Programs and Services

Recent Publications

  • Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the …
  • Plant Propagation for the Home Garden Series: Starting Plants From Seed for the Home Gardener (B 1432) A number of plants, particularly vegetables, annuals, and herbs, can be grown from seed. There are many advantages to propagating plants from seed. This publication provides information on seed select…
  • Fresh Market Broccoli Production for Georgia (B 1460) Broccoli is grown throughout Georgia in both the fall and spring growing seasons. A locally significant wholesale industry developed in southwest Georgia, and acreage devoted to broccoli production ha…
  • 2024 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-6) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2024. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…



UGA Urban Ag Resources for Georgia's Green Industry.

Turf at UGA This site contains detailed information and growing recommendations for species of turfgrass, and provides links to relevant publications from Extension and researchers, turfgrass management courses and other sites.

Turfgrass Breeding at UGA Briefly summarizes turfgrass varieties and Georgia's turfgrass production.

UGA Turfgrass Team The exceptional team behind several premier turfgrass varieties, making its mark through solid, long-term commitments to new cultivar development, education and on-going research and support for all of our grasses.


We're Here To Help

Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you.
Set County Preference
  • Cyst Nematodes
    Cyst Nematodes UGA researchers Melissa Mitchum and Xunliang Liu have uncovered how cyst nematodes co-opt a sugar beet’s vascular system for their own benefit. Published: 01/14/25
  • Cutting Clutter
    Cutting Clutter UGA experts share tips for prioritizing and creating a space to enjoy the life you want. Published: 01/03/25
  • Spotted Lanternfly in Georgia
    Spotted Lanternfly in Georgia Despite its striking appearance, with bold orange wings and eye-catching patterns, the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is far from the welcome guest it may seem. This invasive insect has made its way to Georgia, posing a significant economic threat to agriculture and threatening residential landscapes with tree damage. Published: 12/24/24