UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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The watermelon industry is extremely popular in Georgia, with watermelons grown on an estimated 20,000 acres per year. Still, consistently making a profit requires constant innovation and hard work.

Picking, grading, packing and shipping melons remains the most costly aspect of watermelon production. Irrigating fields and applying newer, more effective fungicides to combat the diseases of watermelon are also two of the more expensive input costs.

Scientists with UGA Extension and the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences conduct research trials to aid farmers in producing a cost-efficient and high-yielding watermelon crop.

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Set County Preference
  • A Shared Harvest
    A Shared Harvest At Mark’s Melon Patch, UGA Extension plays a key role in supporting agritourism and farming traditions through expert advice and collaboration. By Emily Cabrera | Published: 10/24/24
  • Fusarium Rapid Test
    Fusarium Rapid Test UGA scientists have developed a faster way to diagnose Fusarium wilt. By Josh Paine | Published: 02/24/21
  • Protecting Seasonal Workers
    Protecting Seasonal Workers Increase in COVID-19 infections among seasonal workers in Florida puts Georgia producers on alert. By Andre Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva | Published: 06/18/20