Not all Georgia agricultural products cover your table. Some cover the playing fields and golf courses of the world.
University of Georgia researchers pioneered the worldwide success of turfgrasses starting in the 1950s. Tifway and Tifgreen, two bermudagrass hybrids developed by researchers at the UGA Coastal Plain Experiment Station in Tifton (now the UGA Tifton Campus), cover more golf courses, athletic fields and lawns than any other turf varieties in the world.
Today, a multidisciplinary team of UGA scientists and Extension service specialists support this burgeoning agricultural industry, which already has more than a $1 billion impact on Georgia's economy annually.
Our Programs and Services
Georgia Certified Landscape Professional For managers and technicians in both the landscape installation and maintenance businesses.
Lab Testing and Analysis Services Testing for soil, plant tissue, water quality, animal waste, feeds and forages, pesticides, and much more!
Landscape Worker Safety Training A three-part online training covering general precautions, equipment safety and pesticide safety.
On-Site and Telephone Consultation Available in many county offices for ag producers.
Pesticide Safety Education Program Topics include pest identification, storage and disposal, pesticide drift and runoff prevention, water quality protection, and food safety.
Production Meetings Updates on local issues for growers and producers.
Sports Turfgrass Management Certificate Up-to-date turfgrass management practices for the sports field industry.
SuperCrew Training Series Self-paced series on turfgrass installation, ornamentals planting and pruning, pesticide safety, and more.
Recent Publications
2025 Georgia Ag Forecast Series: Green Industry 2025 (AP 130-3-12) 1. 2024 was a good year for many green industry firms, though Hurricane Helene mitigated these positives for many growers. 2. There are many unknowns going into 2025 that will impact green industry sa…
Turfgrass Pest Control Recommendations for Professionals (B 984) This publication includes recommendations and current guidelines for turfgrass pest control methods and materials in Georgia, as well as a turfgrass management calendar.
Controlling Crabgrass and Goosegrass with Resistance to Sethoxydim and other ACCase-Inhibitors in Georgia Turf (B 1462) Sethoxydim has been widely used for grassy weed control in centipedegrass lawns, roadsides, and sod farms. Decades of exclusive sethoxydim use in Georgia have led to the emergence of ACCase-resistant …
2022 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (AP 102-15) 2022 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to an estimated $933 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $8200 million, resulting in a 11.4% relative d…
UGA-affiliated sites
Turf at UGA This site contains detailed information and growing recommendations for species of turfgrass, and provides links to relevant publications from Extension and researchers, turfgrass management courses and other sites.
Turfgrass Breeding at UGA Briefly summarizes turfgrass varieties and Georgia's turfgrass production.
UGA Turfgrass Team The exceptional team behind several premier turfgrass varieties, making its mark through solid, long-term commitments to new cultivar development, education and on-going research and support for all of our grasses.
Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics IPBGG faculty actively engage in training of graduate students, the development of new crop varieties, and basic research on the genetics and understanding of crop traits important to agriculture and human kind.
UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Learn more about the crop and soil sciences department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Commodity Teams at CAES Teams made up of research scientists and extension specialists work together to provide the latest technology and information for efficient, profitable production of some of Georgia's most valuable commodities.
External sites
Georgia Crop Improvement Association Offers newsletters, pest management guides, and legislative reports. Includes extensive list of businesses and other association members.
Tif3D After nearly a decade of research trials, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) turfgrass breeder Brian Schwartz and a dedicated team of colleagues and industry partners released a cutting-edge bermudagrass variety called ‘Tif3D’ earlier this year.
Plant Pathology More than a century of research at the University of Georgia underpins the field of plant pathology and pieces together the complex relationship between microbes and plants.
Gerald Henry The University of Georgia’s Athletic Association Endowed Professor of Environmental Turfgrass Science leads a research team in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences committed to creating sports fields that look good and perform well to limit the occurrence of injuries.