UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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No matter how agriculture changes, one thing stays the same: Weather can dictate crop success or failure. It also influences decisions about livestock, home and commercial landscaping, city planning and just about anything outdoors.

UGA Extension is here to provide resources and advice on dealing with weather-related issues in agriculture and everyday home life.

Hurricane Preparedness UGA Extension offers several resources to help Georgians prepare for hurricanes and tropical storms and what steps to take after they have passed. View our list of resources to ensure you are properly prepared for a hurricane.
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UGA-affiliated sites

Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast - The "Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast" blog is provided by the UGA Crop and Soil Sciences Department as a service to Extension agents and agricultural producers across the Southeast US.

Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network Provides extensive, detailed, and historical weather data from sensor network distributed across the state.

UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Learn more about the crop and soil sciences department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

External sites

AgroClimate Provides climate, agriculture, and forestry information with forecasts to inform agricultural resource management decisions. Focuses on Georgia's signature agricultural products. Includes summary information on climate, El Niño, and climate change. Includes links.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is an American scientific agency within the United States Department of Commerce that focuses on the conditions of the oceans and the atmosphere.

Office of the Georgia State Climatologist Provides a climatology FAQ and links to numerous external sites that provide weather information.


We're Here To Help

Contact your local UGA Extension office to find out how our team of county agents can assist you.
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Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast The Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast blog from the UGA Crop and Soil Sciences Department shares information about the impacts of weather and climate on agriculture across Georgia and beyond.
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  • Prescribed burns
    Prescribed burns Planned burns can help prevent the kind of massive out-of-control wildfires that have decimated millions of acres and caused billions in damages in the U.S. Published: 01/21/25
  • 2024 Weather In Review
    2024 Weather In Review Data shows 2024 was the warmest year on record since official global tracking began in 1880. Published: 01/16/25
  • Helene Damage Assessment
    Helene Damage Assessment The preliminary estimate of Hurricane Helene’s economic impact on Georgia Agriculture is $6.46 billion. Published: 10/10/24