UGA Extension is improving young children's health and well-being by helping child care providers and families teaching nutrition and physical activity concepts in ways that preschoolers can understand. This series aims to increase 3- to 5-year-old children's knowledge of healthy eating and physical activity by teaching them key concepts through hands-on, developmentally appropriate activities.
Visit the Eat Healthy, Be Active website for more information.
24 publications were found in this series
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Drinking Water is Important (C 1037-01) Learn why drinking water is an important part of keeping yourself and your family healthy, and help children learn about hydration by exploring wet and dry sponges.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Water Should You Drink? (C 1037-02) Find out how much water you should drink to stay hydrated, and help children make drinking water more fun by making colored fruit ice cubes.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Water Helps Children Succeed (C 1037-03) Read tips to help your child drink enough water every day, and help your child keep track of water drinking with a simple chart.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods is Healthy! (C 1037-04) Learn about the five food groups that make up MyPlate, and help your child learn the groups by coloring in sections of a paper plate.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods can be Fun! (C 1037-05) Find out how to make eating foods from all of the food groups more fun, and encourage your child to eat fruit by making silly fruit faces on a plate.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Breakfast Fuels Your Day (C 1037-06) Learn why breakfast is essential to good health, and encourage your children to make breakfast more interesting with healthy toppings for their hot or cold cereal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Healthy Breakfast Feeds the Brain (C 1037-07) Read about the connection between a healthy breakfast and children's learning, and work with your child to make a fruit smoothie for breakfast.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What to Eat for Breakfast? (C 1037-08) Check out breakfast ideas that include foods from several food groups, and encourage your child to draw a favorite breakfast food.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eat Breakfast Together (C 1037-09) Read tips for creating a quick breakfast your family can eat on the go, and make breakfast fun by inviting your family on a breakfast picnic.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Making Breakfast can be Fun (C 1037-10) Check out breakfast foods that your child can help make, and work together with your child to build a fruit and yogurt parfait.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: It's Important to Stop When You're Full (C 1037-11) Learn why it’s important to stop eating when you are full, and teach your child about “full” and “empty” using bowls of water.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What Does Full Feel Like? (C 1037-12) Find out how to help your child recognize what feeling full is like, and encourage your child to practice “full” by filling a plastic bag with flour or cornstarch.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Appropriate Portion Sizes (C 1037-13) Learn quick ways to estimate appropriate portion sizes for common foods, and help your child practice measuring and comparing portions of cereal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Tips for Serving Smaller Portions (C 1037-14) Read tips for serving your family smaller food portions, and help your child practice healthy eating by self-serving food at the next meal.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Why It's Important to Stop When Full (C 1037-15) Learn why it is important not to force children to clean their plates, and read a story with your child about why stopping eating when full is important.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Variety of Foods for Picky Eaters (C 1037-16) Read tips for helping picky eaters try new foods, and play a food finder game with your child on your next grocery shopping trip.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Healthy Eating on a Budget (C 1037-17) Learn how to help your family eat healthy on a budget, and help your child keep track of what he/she eats in each food group using a simple chart.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Modeling Healthy Eating Behaviors (C 1037-18) Find out how to model healthy eating for your child, and work with your child to create a healthy trail mix for a snack.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Benefits of Staying Physically Active (C 1037-19) Read about the benefits of being physically active for adults and children, and play walking games with your child.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Physical Activity Teaches New Skills (C 1037-20) Learn about the skills children learn through physical activity, and be active as a family by playing a giant board game with your child.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Safety and Physical Activity (C 1037-21) Read safety tips for your active child, and encourage your child to be active by creating and moving through an obstacle course together.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Physical Activity? (C 1037-22) Find out how much physical activity young children need, and encourage your child to be active by playing a freeze dance game with music.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Motivating Your Child to be Active (C 1037-23) Learn how to motivate your child to be more active, and encourage your child’s physical activity by setting up a treasure hunt.
Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Current Physical Activity Trends (C 1037-24) Read about current trends in physical activity, and help your child be active by finding creative ways to move while drawing with sidewalk chalk.