Ornamental flowers, trees, shrubs, and grasses are effective ways to add beauty and interest to your yard. With a wide variety of colors and textures, as well as options for nearly any climate or growing condition, ornamentals can be a low-maintenance, fun way to enhance the beauty of your landscape and add value to your property. UGA Extension offers information about the flowers, trees, shrubs, and grasses that keep gardeners busy and Georgia beautiful.
For information about commercial horticulture and nursery production, see our Ornamental Horticulture section.
Our Programs and Services
Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program Intensive horticultural training to individuals who then volunteer in their communities by giving lectures, creating gardens, conducting research, and many other projects.
On-Site and Telephone Consultation Available in many situations for home owners and consumers.
Pesticide Safety Education Program Georgia's Pesticide Safety Education Program promotes the responsible and safe use of pesticides throughout Georgia. We accomplish this by providing the educational resources, training programs, and materials needed to help both private and commercial pesticide applicators achieve certification and subsequently to maintain the knowledge to safely and effectively make use of restricted-use and all other pesticides.
Soil and Water Testing Services Increase your yield, test your water quality, and more.
Recent Publications
2025 Georgia Ag Forecast Series: Green Industry 2025 (AP 130-3-12) 1. 2024 was a good year for many green industry firms, though Hurricane Helene mitigated these positives for many growers. 2. There are many unknowns going into 2025 that will impact green industry sa…
Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the …
Plant Propagation for the Home Garden Series: Starting Plants From Seed for the Home Gardener (B 1432) A number of plants, particularly vegetables, annuals, and herbs, can be grown from seed. There are many advantages to propagating plants from seed. This publication provides information on seed select…
Soil Preparation and Planting Procedures for Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 932) Proper planting is essential for healthy, vigorous growth of ornamental plants in the landscape. It assures rapid plant establishment by providing a favorable environment for the developing root syste…
Georgia Master Gardener Gives an overview of the program to train and certify individuals in horticulture and includes extensive links.
Trellis: Master Gardener Blog Engaging Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteers in meaningful discussion about volunteering, outreach, and community.
Trial Gardens at UGA The Trial Gardens at UGA trials the newest varieties of annuals from all over the world and puts perennials to the test to find those that stand up to southeastern heat and humidity. It's also open to the public year-round.
Ornamental Plant and Tree Pathology Provides plant disease information to assist Georgia growers and county extension personnel.
UGA Department of Horticulture Learn more about the horticulture department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
External sites
Walter Reeves A wealth of gardening resources and tips from this well-known Extension garden specialist and host of "Your Southern Garden."
Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm Regional botanical garden provides education, public outreach, and applied research in horticultural and environmental sciences and a facility of the University of Georgia's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and UGA Extension, with support from the "Friends of the Coastal Gardens."
State Botanical Garden of Georgia Site detailing the attractions, programs, research, and events at this "living laboratory" for learning about gardening and nature.
Spotted Lanternfly in Georgia Despite its striking appearance, with bold orange wings and eye-catching patterns, the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is far from the welcome guest it may seem. This invasive insect has made its way to Georgia, posing a significant economic threat to agriculture and threatening residential landscapes with tree damage.
Plant Sales Plant sales offered by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences provide opportunities for gift giving or beautifying your space.
Nourished by Nature UGA's new Master Forager program was developed in response to public interest in safe foraging.
Rewild Your Lawn For many, the beauty of a landscape lies not just in its appearance but in its function — an idea that has fueled the rising trend of “re-wilding” home spaces as an alternative to conventional, high-maintenance lawns.
Master Gardener Anniversary The Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer program is celebrating its 45th anniversary with signature events throughout 2024, culminating in the Georgia Master Gardener Association’s annual conference Oct. 4-5.
Pollinator Census As summer draws to a close, nature enthusiasts, gardeners and residents across the Southeast are gearing up for an exciting citizen-science project – the 2024 Great Southeast Pollinator Census.