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Fruits and vegetables are Georgia's number-two cash crop, and the popularity of commodities like tomatoes, squash and fresh greens even extends further than commercial production.

Vegetables are an ever-important commodity, and UGA Extension provides both farmers and home gardeners a variety of information to help have the best output with the least amount of labor possible.

For information about home garden vegetables, see our Lawn & Garden Fruits and Vegetables section.

Our Programs and Services

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UGA-affiliated sites

Commercial Vegetables at UGA Production and market information about vegetables grown in Georgia.

Statewide Variety Testing Provides annual performance testing results on several commodities including canola, small grains and forage, corn and silage, and field crops.

Sustainable Agriculture at UGA Brings together information on sustainable agriculture including organic agriculture, pollinators, and other resources.

Vegetable Blog Updates on current vegetable production issues in Georgia.

UGA Department of Horticulture Learn more about the horticulture department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

UGA Department of Plant Pathology Learn more about the plant pathology department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Commodity Teams at CAES Teams made up of research scientists and extension specialists work together to provide the latest technology and information for efficient, profitable production of some of Georgia's most valuable commodities.

External sites

Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Provides programs and services designed to increase production efficiencies, provide educational opportunities, promote new markets, monitor legislation, encourage applied research, and improve communications among GFVGA members and industry suppliers.

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Commercial Vegetables at UGA Production and market information about vegetables grown in Georgia from UGA researchers.
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    Peanut Oil A new study by experts in the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is seeking to increase the value of Georgia’s peanut crops for new markets while reducing losses caused by aflatoxin, a consistent threat to the No. 1 peanut-producing state in the United States. Published: 09/05/24
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