North Georgia is the center of the state's apple industry. Unlike those from other states, Georgia apples are sold primarily for the fresh market. From late summer to early winter, Georgia's apple houses are bustling with business.
An apple's size, shape, and color depend on the variety. Georgia's most popular varieties include Ozark Gold and Paulard, (July and August); Red Delicious and Golden Delicious (July through December); Rome Beauty and Mutzu Crispin (August through December); Empire, Jonagold and Jonathan (August through September); and Arkansas Black, Fuji, Granny Smith, Stayman Winesap and Yates (October through December).
UGA Extension provides both producers and home gardeners a variety of information to help have the best output with the least amount of labor possible.
Our Programs and Services
Lab Testing and Analysis Services Testing for soil, plant tissue, water quality, animal waste, feeds and forages, pesticides, and much more!
On-Site and Telephone Consultation Available in many county offices for ag producers.
Pesticide Safety Education Program Topics include pest identification, storage and disposal, pesticide drift and runoff prevention, water quality protection, and food safety.
Production Meetings Updates on local issues for growers and producers.
Recent Publications
Visual Guide to Common Wild Bees in Apple Orchards in North Georgia (C 1324) Wild bees are effective pollinators of crops and native flowers, shrubs, and trees. They are naturally present and can supplement honey bees in apple pollination. Boosting their numbers by habitat dev…
Home Garden Series: Home Garden Apples (C 740) Apples are adapted to most areas of Georgia. Although the northern half of the state is best suited for the more "conventional" apple varieties, you can have success in the southern half of Georgia wi…
UGA-affiliated sites
Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics IPBGG faculty actively engage in training of graduate students, the development of new crop varieties, and basic research on the genetics and understanding of crop traits important to agriculture and human kind.
Sustainable Agriculture at UGA Brings together information on sustainable agriculture including organic agriculture, pollinators, and other resources.
UGA Department of Horticulture Learn more about the horticulture department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
UGA Department of Plant Pathology Learn more about the plant pathology department at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Commodity Teams at CAES Teams made up of research scientists and extension specialists work together to provide the latest technology and information for efficient, profitable production of some of Georgia's most valuable commodities.
External sites
Apples are Peaking; Choose the Best Preservation Method Information regarding several methods of apple preservation.
Heirloom Varieties With the help of a dedicated group of University of Georgia researchers, UGA Cooperative Extension agents and volunteer enthusiasts, Georgia’s lost apple varieties are making a comeback.
Backyard Fruits Webinar Webinar series Backyard Fruits aims to help gardeners grow fruit at home
MyIPM App MyIPM app helps fruit growers manage pests.