Georgia forest land has been gradually increasing over the years. Forests now cover a majority of the state's land area, making Georgia the largest timber-producing state in the southeastern U.S.
Georgia is home to nearly 1,400 forest products manufacturers and is consistently ranked near the top in pulp and paper production and in the top ten lumber-producing states.
Georgia's forest-product industry is environmentally friendly, based on a renewable resource wisely managed by professional foresters. Forest products are recyclable and biodegradable, making them a natural choice for today's environmentally conscious consumers. Through professional forest management, Georgia's largest renewable resource can meet society's demands well into the 21st century.
Our Programs and Services
Arborist Safety Training Trainings in safe climbing, tree removal, and groundwork operations.
Master Naturalist Hands-on environmental education exploring the habitats and ecosystems of Georgia.
On-Site and Telephone Consultation Available in many situations for home owners and consumers.
Recent Publications
Promoting a Healthy Forest on Your Land (B 1494) David Coyle and Mark Megalos, Southern Regional Extension Forestry Healthy forests provide many public benefits like clean air and water, wildlife and plant habitat, and diverse forest products that …
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Forestry and Christmas Trees (SB 28-18) Commercial insect and weed control in forestry and Christmas trees. Updated annually.
2025 Georgia Ag Forecast Series: Timber Situation and 2025 Outlook (AP 130-3-13) 1. Demand for softwood lumber and structural panels is expected to remain under pressure as single-family housing starts face challenges, including elevated mortgage rates, high house prices, and risi…
Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region (B 1560) This 220-page Extension publication was written with landowners in mind. Whether you started burning with your grandparents as a toddler, or you’ve never held a drip torch, the Guidebook for Prescribe…
Web Resources
UGA-affiliated sites
Forest *A* Syst Tools to manage your private woodlands.
Silvopasture An online course on the establishment and management principles for pine forests in the Southeastern United States.
UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health: Forest Resources Information Resources from the UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health to help you manage your forest.
UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources This college homepage includes resources targeted to students, researchers and communities with ecological concerns.
UGA Warnell Outreach Publications View outreach publications from UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Southern Regional Extension Forestry web resources
Southern Regional Extension Forestry This cooperation of southern land-grant universities is to identify, prescribe, and implement a mix of educational and technical services that increase the efficiency of forestry programs.
Mobile Apps:
Service Forester's Toolkit app This app is based on the U.S. Forest Service's Service Forester's Handbook. This convenient pocket guide is a quick-reference for basic forest and land measurements, tree measurements, volume tables, site index charts and more.
Forestry Websites:
Southern Forest Health and Invasive Species Education Outreach Initiative Provides a central point for education and information pertaining to forest health issues and invasive species impacting southeastern U.S. forests.
Ask for Wood A website designed to assist extension agents and others learn about wood products and their role in healthy forests, a better environment, and improved rural economies.
Primary Forest Products Network Provides a directory of mills or primary forest product companies, which produce lumber, plywood, pulp, paper and other wood products using roundwood logs as a raw material.
Secondary Forest Products Network Provides a directory of mills or secondary forest product companies, which produce furniture, wood fixtures, molding, trusses and other engineered wood products using products from primary mills as inputs.
External sites
Georgia Forestry Association Promotes the interests of Georgia's extractive and wood products industries on regulatory and legislative issues. Provides some educational resources, links, and contacts.
Georgia Forestry Commission Includes extensive information on forest fires, forest management, and forest products.
Society of American Foresters Provides education, certification, career, and community resources for current and future forestry professionals.
U.S. Forest Service Provides resources for forest protection and management, forestry research, local and federal government programs, and government forestry employees.
Spotted Lanternfly in Georgia Despite its striking appearance, with bold orange wings and eye-catching patterns, the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is far from the welcome guest it may seem. This invasive insect has made its way to Georgia, posing a significant economic threat to agriculture and threatening residential landscapes with tree damage.
Hurricane Helene Impacts Hurricane Helene wrought sweeping devastation across Georgia’s agricultural sector in late September, leaving an indelible mark on both the land and the people who tend it. From battered cotton fields to flattened pecan orchards, the storm’s aftermath is bringing focus to vulnerabilities in Georgia’s farming industry and the need for more robust safety nets.
2026 AGL Class The 2025-26 cohort of the Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) program at the University of Georgia has been chosen from a broad field of applicants.