UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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The Weed Wizard series describes ways to identify and manage weeds commonly found in home landscapes.
4 publications were found in this series
  • Weed Wizard Series: Controlling Poison Ivy in the Landscape (C 867-10) Poison ivy (Rhus radicans) is a common poisonous plant in Georgia. Its preferred habitat is moist, deciduous forests and wooded areas; however, it is also found in pastures, fence rows, ornamental pla…
  • Weed Wizard Series: Controlling Florida Betony in the Landscape (C 867-11) Florida betony is a “winter” perennial and has a square stem with opposite leaves. Florida betony (also called rattlesnake weed and hedge nettle) is a problem weed in both turfgrasses and ornamentals.
  • Weed Wizard Series: Controlling Greenbrier (C 867-2) Greenbrier (Smilax spp.) is a difficult vine to control in the landscape. Also known as Catbrier, Cat Sawbrier and Sarsaparilla vine, once this climbing vine develops an extensive underground rhizome …
  • Weed Wizard Series: Weed Control in Iris (C 867-8) With their beautiful flowers, irises are coveted as one of the finest herbaceous perennials. Unfortunately, like most garden plants, weed control in irises can be difficult. Established perennial broa…
Weed Wizard