UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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5 publications were found on Soil
  • An Introduction to Conservation Tillage for Vegetable Production (B 1539) Conservation tillage with agronomic crops (i.e., cotton, corn, soybeans, etc.) has been successful in Georgia production. Such production practices have several benefits, the most notable being the elimination of soil erosion. Other benefits include but aren't limited to increases in soil organic matter, maintaining a healthy rhizosphere (root-zone soil), reduction of riparian and waterway polluti…
  • Soil Organic Matter (C 1299) Soil organic matter (SOM) is a complex mixture of plant and animal tissues, and plays an important role in the physical, chemical, and biological processes in the soil. This publication describes how SOM contributes to overall soil fertility, factors controlling SOM abundance, and what cultivation practices growers can use to increase SOM in their soils.
  • Soil Sampling Grid Size Considerations for Site-Specific Nutrient Management (C 1297) This publication provides information on selecting an optimal soil sampling grid size that can accurately depict spatial nutrient variability within the fields in the southeastern US and helps in informing precision site-specific nutrient applications.
  • Soil Testing for Home Lawns, Gardens and Wildlife Food Plots (C 896) Developing and maintaining productive soils begin with soil testing. Soils tests provide information on the soil's actual nutrient status. Test results are used to determine the amount and kind of nutrients that should be added for the best growth of lawn, garden, and other types of plants.
  • Sourcing Soil Amendments for Small-Scale Farms and Gardens (C 1272) Whether from a local store, regional supplier, or another farmer down the road, understanding where your soil amendments come from and how they were handled prior to reaching your farm or garden is necessary to ensure you are sourcing the highest quality product with the lowest amount of risk.