Publications By Laurel Dunn
Best Practices ATP and Protein Swabbing in Produce Packinghouses (C 1196) Many third-party audits, buyers, and standard operating procedures for produce packinghouses or other food facilities require regular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or protein swabs to verify the effect…
Best Practices for Growing, Harvesting, and Handling Produce in the Field and the Packinghouse (B 1515) Under the Food Safety Modernization Act's Produce Safety Rule, produce operations are mandated to provide training to their workers on the safe handling of produce in fields and in packing operations.…
Best Practices: Animal Intrusion in Specialty Crops (C 1170)
Best Practices: Postharvest Water Sample Collection (C 1192)
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment: Oxidizing Filters (B 1563) Private well waters often contain high levels of iron, manganese, and hydrogen-sulfide. While these contaminants are not considered to have any human health consequences, they can cause various issues…
Improving the Condition of Your Drinking Water Well (B 1152-03) About 95 percent of Georgia's rural residents depend on groundwater to supply their drinking water and farm needs. Wells are designed to provide clean water. If improperly constructed and maintained, …
Management of Insects for Vegetable Production in Georgia, Part 1: Diamondback Moth and Pepper Weevil (C 1171)
Management of Insects for Vegetable Production in Georgia, Part 2: Whiteflies (C 1172)
Maximizing the Value of Georgia-Grown Satsumas Through Food Innovation (B 1561) Additional author: Emma Moore, Department of Food Science & Technology. Satsuma oranges are a fast-growing commodity in Georgia. Satsumas are natural and excellent sources of sugars, organic acids, so…
Methods of Irrigation Scheduling for Vegetable Production (C 1181)
Packinghouse Environmental Monitoring Programs Series: Packinghouse Environmental Monitoring Programs: Identifying Packinghouse Zones (B 1524-1) Produce buyers are increasingly requiring their suppliers to establish environmental monitoring programs in their packinghouses to verify the sanitary conditions of handling facilities and equipment. …
Packinghouse Environmental Monitoring Programs Series: Using ATP, Protein, and Allergen Swabs (B 1524-3) As a part of a packinghouse environmental monitoring program, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), protein, and allergen swabbing is used to ensure that packinghouse equipment and surfaces have been properly…
PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (B 1577) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade chemicals that have been in use worldwide since 1940, primarily in industry and numerous commercial and cons…
Red Cabbage: Crop Management Practices, Food Safety, and Biochemical Properties (C 1221) Red cabbage is a highly nutritious vegetable crop, rich in minerals, vitamins, and several other chemical compounds that are beneficial for human health, including phenols, proteins, glucosinolates an…
Service Animals on U-Pick Farms (C 1153) Many produce farms choose to exclude domesticated animals to prevent the spread of fecal contamination to produce crops. However, when farms allow members of the general public access to U-pick fields…
Small Fruit Video Series Series: Cross-Contamination (C 1300-02) Cross-contamination, resulting in foodborne pathogen contamination of small fruits, can occur at any point throughout production and post-harvest handling. This video discusses techniques and best pra…
Small Fruit Video Series Series: Foodborne Illnesses (C 1300-01) Foodborne illnesses sicken approximately 48 million Americans a year and result in significant financial losses for the food industry. Outbreaks of foodborne illness have been linked to consumption of…
Sourcing Soil Amendments for Small-Scale Farms and Gardens (C 1272) Whether from a local store, regional supplier, or another farmer down the road, understanding where your soil amendments come from and how they were handled prior to reaching your farm or garden is ne…
Strawberry Maturity Indices and Quality (C 1308) In this video, you will learn how to judge the optimum maturity of strawberries for harvest and how to identify the main quality attributes that are important for maximum postharvest shelf life.
Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Brassica Crops (C 1169) This publication is the second in a series focusing on irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops. It contains basic guidance on water use and irrigation management for Brassica crops such as cabbage, …
Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Solanaceae Crops (C 1216) This publication is part of a series focusing on irrigation scheduling for vegetable crops. It contains basic information on water use and irrigation management using the crop water demand method for …
Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia Series: Water Use and Irrigation Management for Vegetables in Georgia: Watermelon (Citrullis lanatus) (C 1183) This circular contains the fundamentals of watermelon irrigation scheduling using the crop water demand method. Decisions regarding the timing, frequency, and amount of water required for a crop are s…