Publications By Alton N Sparks
2013 Vegetable Crops Research Report (AP 113) This publication contains a report of research trials done on vegetable crops in Georgia in 2013.
Commercial Snap Bean Production in Georgia (B 1369) This is an in-depth publication covering Culture and Varieties, Soils and Fertility, Irrigation, Sprayers, Diseases, Insect Management, Weed Control, Food Safety and Sanitation, Harvest/Post-Harvest …
Cowpea Curculio in Southern Pea (C 1038) This publication describes ways to identify and manage cowpea curculio damage in Southern pea.
Crop Profile for Cowpeas in Georgia (B 1480) Georgia ranks in the nation's top 10 in cowpea (southern pea, Vigna unguiculata) production, with estimates of more than 4,900 acres grown in approximately 49 of 159 counties in the state in the 2014 …
Cross-Commodity Management of Silverleaf Whitefly in Georgia (C 1141) Silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) is a major pest of agriculture in Georgia requiring management in vegetable and agronomic cropping systems to preserve yield and quality. Our greatest opportunity for impact…
Fresh Market Broccoli Production for Georgia (B 1460) Broccoli is grown throughout Georgia in both the fall and spring growing seasons. A locally significant wholesale industry developed in southwest Georgia, and acreage devoted to broccoli production ha…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables (SB 28-34) Commercial insect and weed control in vegetables. Updated annually.
Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables (SB 48-12) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers insect, weed, and disease control in home garden vegetables. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing …
Insecticide Resistance Management for Diamondback Moth in Cole Crops (C 899) The diamondback moth is a common pest of crops including cabbage, collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, broccoli, cauliflower and other leafy greens. This insect has a long history of becoming res…
Management of Insects for Vegetable Production in Georgia, Part 1: Diamondback Moth and Pepper Weevil (C 1171)
Management of Insects for Vegetable Production in Georgia, Part 2: Whiteflies (C 1172)
Onion Production Guide (B 1198) This publication represents the latest information available on the commercial production of short-day onions in south Georgia.
Sweet Potato Production and Pest Management in Georgia (B 1489) Sweet potatoes are members of the Convolvulaceae family, which includes morning glory. They are native to tropical America and are a perennial plant there. In more temperate regions such as the United…
Whitefly-Transmitted Plant Viruses in South Georgia (B 1507) The silverleaf whitefly (SLWF), Bemisia tabaci, (also known as sweet potato whitefly) is a pest of a wide variety of horticultural and agronomic crops in southern Georgia. Adults and nymphs (Figure 1)…