Publications By Gary L. Hawkins
2019 Vegetable Extension and Research Report (AP 113-1) This report provides research and extension results for trials conducted by the University of Georgia Vegetable Team and its collaborators in 2019. Contributing authors include county and regional fac…
A Beginner's Guide to Septic Systems (B 1421) Many buildings and homes have on-site wastewater management systems, commonly called septic systems. Because septic systems are buried, it is easy to forget about them as they quietly, elegantly and e…
Beneficial Reuse of Municipal Biosolids in Agriculture (SB 27) Farmers have known for centuries that animal manures spread on pastures and cropland can improve soil fertility. In the 1920s, farmers began to use sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants as…
Blueberry Irrigation Water Quality (C 1105) This circular is a review of water quality standards, calculations, and recommendations for water that will be used for irrigation of blueberries.
Calibration Method for Sprayers and Other Liquid Applicators (C 683) This publication discusses the proper calibration methods sprayers and other liquid applicators.
Calibration of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems for Wastewater Applications (B 1458) This publication was developed to provide farmers applying animal wastewater with step-by-step instructions to calibrate their center pivot irrigation systems. Within each step, the publication provid…
Center Pivot Calibration for Wastewater: A Field Reference Guide (C 1084) This publication is intended to be used by those familiar with calibrating a center pivot system. The circular lists the steps, calculations, and charts needed to calibrate a center pivot irrigation s…
Choosing a Landscape Irrigation Contractor (C 1056) Selecting a qualified irrigation contractor is very important. There are many irrigation products available and the installation process requires skill, knowledge and equipment. This publication outli…
Commercial Snap Bean Production in Georgia (B 1369) This is an in-depth publication covering Culture and Varieties, Soils and Fertility, Irrigation, Sprayers, Diseases, Insect Management, Weed Control, Food Safety and Sanitation, Harvest/Post-Harvest …
Conservation and Best Management Practices in Georgia: Implementing, Funding and Assistance (B 1335) Best Management Practices (BMPs) can be described as management and/or structural practices that are designed to reduce pollutants and erosion while increasing the quality of all life. The BMP concept…
Ensuring Safe Private Well Water for Household Use After a Flood (C 1124) The quality of drinking water from wells may be compromised during a flood. Flooding around the well increases the risk of drinking water becoming contaminated with bacteria or any other contaminants,…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Bacterial Source Tracking (BST) (B 1242-7) Fecal contamination of water impacts many regions of the U.S. and may carry risks to human health. When a water body fails to meet water quality standards for fecal bacteria, the Federal Clean Water A…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Drinking Water Protection in Georgia (B 1242-5) Drinking water sources in Georgia (surface and ground water) can be contaminated by landfills and dumps, leaky septic tanks, urban runoff, industry and agricultural operations. The state of Georgia ha…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Georgia's Water Quality Standards (B 1242-3) The Environmental Protection Division (GAEPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GADNR) is responsible for setting and enforcing water quality standards. The goals of establishing these s…
Environmental Water Quality Series: On-Site Wastewater Management Systems and Their Environmental Impact (B 1242-4) On-site wastewater treatment systems provide treatment and ultimate dispersal of wastewater from homes and small businesses. They usually consist of a septic tank, a drain field and the underlying soi…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Total Maximum Daily Loads in Georgia (B 1242-2) A total maximum daily load (TMDL) is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards. This publication contains comprehensive in…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Urban Storm Water Management in Georgia (B 1242-6) Storm water is the runoff from land and impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots and building rooftops during rain events. It often contains pollutants such as nutrients, bacteria, sedimen…
Environmental Water Quality Series: Watershed Assessment in Georgia (B 1242-1) Watershed assessment is the measurement and use of chemical, physical and biological properties to determine the current health of streams. It also can include the use of predictive modeling of waters…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Pesticide Rate & Dosage Calculations, Conversion Tables, Calibration Methods, and Honey Bee Protection (SB 28-04) Introductory material for the Commercial Edition of the Georgia Pest Management Handbook. Updated yearly.
Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Pesticide Emergencies, Frequently Asked Questions, and Other Useful Information (SB 48-02) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers what to do in the event of a pesticide emergency, important contacts such as poison control, frequently asked pesticide questions, abbreviations and eq…
Household Water Quality Series: Corrosive or Scaling Water (C 858-9) Corrosiveness or scaling is an inherent property of some groundwater and is related to the type of rocks or sediments in contact with the groundwater. Corrosion is caused when water reacts with and di…
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment Techniques and Devices: Activated Carbon Filtration (B 1542) Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, is usually produced from charcoal in granular or powdered form. It is a form of carbon that has been processed (activated) to make it highly porous, w…
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment: Mechanical Filtration Methods and Devices (B 1523) Mechanical filtration removes suspended solids and dirt to greatly improve the clarity of water. Various kinds of mechanical filtration methods and devices are available for home water treatments. Pri…
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment: Oxidizing Filters (B 1563) Private well waters often contain high levels of iron, manganese, and hydrogen-sulfide. While these contaminants are not considered to have any human health consequences, they can cause various issues…
Household Water Quality Series: Lead and Copper (C 858-10) Private wells are exclusively supplied by groundwater. The source waters for most public water systems in south Georgia (and some in north Georgia) are also supplied by groundwater. Generally, lead an…
Household Water Quality Series: Mercury in Your Water (C 858-13) Mercury in your drinking water poses a threat to your health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the current standard for mercury in drinking water at 2 parts per billion (ppb). Th…
Household Water Quality Series: Nitrate and Nitrite in Water (C 858-5) Private well owners are responsible for the safety of their drinking water. Maintaining a healthy well requires routine testing for possible contaminants, including nitrate and nitrite. To assist in w…
Household Water Quality Series: Pesticides, Petroleum Products, and Other Organic Chemicals (C 858-6) Municipal water systems are required by law to be monitored for many contaminants found in pesticides, solvents, and petroleum products. However, if your water comes from a private well or from a syst…
Household Water Treatment: Disinfection Methods and Devices (B 1487) Pathogens in household waters pose a serious threat to human health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recorded many drinking water microbial-associated disease outbreaks in the…
Improving the Condition of Your Drinking Water Well (B 1152-03) About 95 percent of Georgia's rural residents depend on groundwater to supply their drinking water and farm needs. Wells are designed to provide clean water. If improperly constructed and maintained, …
Irrigation Water Quality for Agriculture (B 1448) With growing demands for potable (suitable for drinking) water (due to population increase) and expanding irrigated acreage, there is an increased pressure on irrigated farms to consider using nonpota…
Managing Fruit and Vegetable Waste (C 988) The production, harvest, sorting and packing of fruits and vegetables produces close to a billion pounds of produce annually. These processes also result in material that is rotten, has bad spots, or …
Pesticide Storage and Mixing Facilities (B 1095) Most cases of groundwater contamination by agricultural chemicals have been caused by improper storage or mixing and loading chemicals. For this reason, agricultural chemical storage and handling prac…
PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (TP 119) This temporary publication has been replaced by the permanent Extension Bulletin 1577. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade synthetic chemicals t…
PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (B 1577) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade chemicals that have been in use worldwide since 1940, primarily in industry and numerous commercial and cons…
Protecting Georgia's Surface Water Resources (B 1217) Since only a small amount of water is available for human use, this publication was written to provide a broad-based discussion of how to protect our surface water resources.
Rainwater Harvesting for System Designers and Contractors (B 1372) With recent droughts and increased emphasis on water conservation, rainwater harvesting (RWH) has become an important alternative source for outdoor irrigation. RWH is the collection of runoff from ro…
Recommended Procedure for Field Measurement of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and the Applications for On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems in Georgia (B 1535) This bulletin describes a recommended procedure to measure soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) with a borehole permeameter and convert this value to estimates of percolation rate for on-site wa…
Regulations for On-Farm Storage Tanks in Georgia (B 1136) This publication provides a brief overview of the major regulatory agencies and highlights the rules that Georgia farmers should be aware of concerning storage tanks on their farms.
Sampling Irrigation Water for Blueberry Production (C 1104) This publication outlines the sampling procedure for irrigation water to be used in blueberry production. Follow the outlined steps to provide a certified lab with a sample that is representative of t…
Success with Cover Crops (EB 102) This publication discusses the benefits of planting cover crops, how to select an appropriate cover crop to meet your needs, and includes information about using cover crops successfully.
Water Meters as a Water Management Tool on Georgia Farms (B 1296) In 2004, the Georgia General Assembly passed and the governor signed House Bill 579, which required all permitted irrigation withdrawals in Georgia to be metered by 2009, depending on available funds.…
Winterizing Your Irrigation System (B 1439) Irrigation systems are used by farmers and homeowners to supply supplemental water to their crops. At the end of the growing season, the irrigation system should be checked and winterized to maintain…