UGA Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between UGA CAES and UGA FACS.

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  • Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows (B 1308) Body condition scoring (BCS) is an easy and economical way to evaluate the body fat percentage of a cow. Cows can then be sorted and fed according to nutritional needs. Body condition scoring can be a…
  • Drought Management Strategies for Beef Cattle (B 1323) Drought conditions are a yearly occurrence in Georgia and have been prolonged in several areas over the past several years. These conditions can have severe impacts on cattle, and every cattleman shou…
  • Factors Affecting Calving Difficulty (B 943) Calving difficulty, otherwise known as dystocia, may result in reduced calf performance, delayed estrus and, in some cases, loss of the calf and/or dam. This publication discusses several factors affe…
  • Forage Use and Grazing Herd Management During a Drought (C 914) This brief management guideline provides producers with specific management tactics that may minimize the potential for short- and long-term problems. These tactics, categorized in order of early, adv…
  • Using Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Diets (B 1311) Cotton byproducts offer a variety of feed ingredients that can lower the cost of beef cattle production. Cottonseed meal and whole cottonseed can be used in rations for any class of cattle. Gin trash …
  • Water Requirements and Quality Issues for Cattle (SB 56) Water is the most important nutrient for cattle. It accounts for 50 to 80 percent of an animal's weight and is involved in every physiological process. Cattle cannot adapt to water restriction and fee…
Johnny Rossi Assistant Professor