Publications By G. David Buntin
2024 Georgia Corn Production Guide (AP 132-01) This is the Extension Corn Team's full production guide for recommended practices to plant and maintain a corn crop in Georgia. Topics include agronomic practices, growth and development, fertilizatio…
Alfalfa Management in Georgia (B 1350) Alfalfa is a high-yielding, perennial legume that is well-suited to hay, silage, or pasture production. Alfalfa is known as the “Queen of Forages” because it produces an excellent quality, high-protei…
Blister Beetles in Georgia Alfalfa Hay (C 917) Blister beetles sometimes infest forage crops such as alfalfa, where they may become incorporated in hay. This publication discusses biology, cause of illness and management of blister beetles.
Canola Production in Georgia (B 1331) Growing canola profitably takes planning and good management. All aspects of production from seed selection to harvest to marketing must be taken into account if the grower is to make a profit with th…
Georgia Corn Diagnostic Guide (B 1221) The field is a complex environment with many factors that can interact to influence the growth of a corn plant. These factors can be living in the form of insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds; or, t…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Alfalfa (SB 28-10) Commercial insect and weed control in alfalfa. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Canola (SB 28-13) Commercial insect and weed control in canola. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Clover (SB 28-14) Commercial insect and weed control in clover. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Corn and Field Corn (SB 28-15) Commercial insect and weed control in corn and field corn. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Grain Millet (SB 28-20) Commercial insect and weed control in grain millet. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Grain Sorghum (SB 28-21) Commercial insect and weed control in grain sorghum. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Insecticidal Transgenic Crops (PIP – Plant Incorporated Protectants) (SB 28-05) Additional resources from the GPMH Commercial Edition.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Noncropland and Roadside Areas (SB 28-22) Commercial insect and weed control in noncropland and roadside areas. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Perennial Grass, Pasture, and Forage (SB 28-25) Commercial insect and weed control in perennial grasses, pastures, and forages. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Small Grains: Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Oats, and Rye (SB 28-27) Commercial insect and weed control in small grains: wheat, triticale, barley, oats, and rye. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Soybean (SB 28-28) Commercial insect and weed control in soybeans. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Sunflower (SB 28-30) Commercial insect and weed control in sunflowers. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Temporary Grazing (Summer and Winter) (SB 28-31) Commercial insect and weed control in summer and winter temporary grazing. Updated annually.
Pearl Millet for Grain (B 1216) Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) has a long history of use as a summer grazing and hay crop in the southeastern U.S. The recent development of new, adaptable and productive grain pearl mi…
Sorghum Insect Pests and Their Management (B 1283) Insect pests can be a major limiting factor in grain sorghum production in Georgia. Growers must be prepared to scout and prevent injury from insects in sorghum. However, a proper insect pest manageme…
Southern Small Grains Resource Management Handbook (B 1190) The objective of this handbook is to provide rapid and extensive transfer of modern management technologies for small grain production. The intended audience includes Extension agents, industry person…