4-H Events & Conferences
Below is information on events and conferences which we encourage our 4-H'er to participate in. This includes other links to explore too! We are looking forward to hearing about the ways your 4-H story emerges, so please share about how you are participating - we love pictures too!
Upcoming Events & Programs for Paulding County 4-H'ers
Apply to attend National 4-H Conference!
Deadline November 12 by 5pm (November 8th for Extension Staff to sign)
The conference dates are TBD .
Each year, every Land Grant University 4-H Department is invited to select and send a delegation of high-school-aged 4-H’ers to Washington, DC, to participate in National 4-H Conference. Conference delegates engage in personal development experiences that increase their knowledge, resources, and skills while they discuss topics affecting youth and 4‑H programming nationwide. Delegates not only learn while at the conference: they are empowered to create positive social change in their communities and have the opportunity to practice and apply their skills in a real-world setting. 4-H’ers arrive at the National 4‑H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland, ready to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, their nation, and their world. They choose an important societal topic and, in round table groups, prepare a briefing. During the conference, the groups present their briefing to federal officials around the Washington, D.C. area.
For more information, visit georgia4h.org or 4-h.org.
National 4-H Conference Application Information
Applications Due TBD
Finalists Announced TBD
Finalist Interviews TBD @ Rock Eagle 4-H Center during Fall Forum
Delegates Announced TBD
National Conference TBD @ Washington, DC
· Four Georgia delegates will be selected to attend National 4-H Conference through a combination of applications and interviews. They will join the Leadership in Action state winners who opt to attend National Conference as part of their award.
· The four delegates who are selected via the application/interview process and who attend the conference will be eligible for Master 4-H status.
· 4-H will cover all expenses for the trip, except for transportation to and from the Atlanta Airport, meals on travel days, and one meal on Capitol Hill Day.
For more detailed information about National 4-H Conference, visit 4-h.org.
- Applicants must be currently enrolled in 4-H and must be between ages 15 and 19 years old by January 1 of the conference year to compete for selection as a National 4-H Conference delegate.
- Applicants must not have attended National 4-H Conference previously.
- Submit applications from interested 15-19 year old 4-H'ers in your county by TBD @ 5:00 PM.
- Select applicants, chosen on the basis of the application alone, will be invited to interview at Fall Forum as finalists. A list of those selected to interview will be posted on TBD.
- Finalists will be interviewed at 4-H Fall Forum on TBD. This is the only time when finalists can be interviewed.
- Delegates will be announced at Fall Forum and will be selected on basis of:
- 4-H project work
- 4-H leadership work
- Leadership activities in other fields
- Civic engagement activities
- Essay submitted with application
The total Application should be no more than six pages including:
- Contact Information Page
- 2 Pages of 4-H & Leadership Activities
- Up to 2 Page Essay
- Application form is attached as a Word document that can and should be electronically completed and submitted (though, for signatures, you may have to print, sign, and scan). Find it and more info at georgia4h.org.
An editable MS Word application is available here. Applications received after the deadline may not be considered. Return your completed application by TBD at 5 pm to paulding4h@uga.edu
TBD , Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Fall Forum (theme pending) - Space is limited. Register by TBD.
Be sure to visit our newsletter page too!

Other 4-H Info:
- Georgia 4-H Foundation Achievement Scholarships
- 4-H State Council
- Georgia 4-H State Congress
- Georgia National Fair
If you have additions or other suggestions about the information on this page, please contact Paulding County 4-H at paulding4H@uga.edu
Upcoming Events
Mar 15 - Mar 16 Cloverleaf Project Achievement - Bacon County - 4th - 6th Grades GA 4-H Project Achievement
- Alma, GA - (84.0 Miles)
Mar 22 - Mar 23 Cloverleaf Project Achievement - Douglas County - 4th - 6th Grades 4-H Project achievement
- Douglasville, GA - (24.0 Miles)
Mar 22 - Mar 23 Cloverleaf District Project Achievement (Grades 4 - 6) - Jackson County District Project Achievement Competition for Grades 4 - 6.
- Jefferson, GA - (74.0 Miles)